Marine criticizing military leaders resigns, says chasing stability makes ‘slave to the system’ – IOTW Report

Marine criticizing military leaders resigns, says chasing stability makes ‘slave to the system’

FOX: The U.S. Marine relieved of his command for calling out his superiors over the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal that led to the deaths of 13 service members said Sunday he was officially resigning.

In a tell-all video posted on social media, Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller acknowledged he was sacrificing a comfortable retirement by criticizing the way the withdrawal was handled. 

“I could stay in the Marine Corps for another three years, but I don’t think that’s the path I’m on. I’m resigning my commission as a United States Marine, effective now,” Scheller said. “I am forfeiting retirements, all entitlements, I don’t want a single dollar. I don’t want any money from the VA. I don’t want any VA benefits [even though] I’m sure I’m entitled 100%.” 

Scheller ignited a firestorm of controversy Thursday for posting a less than five-minute video in which he went after top military brass for not taking responsibility over an ISIS attack in Afghanistan that resulted in the deaths of 11 Marines, an Army soldier, a Navy corpsman and 169 Afghans.  more

9 Comments on Marine criticizing military leaders resigns, says chasing stability makes ‘slave to the system’

  1. When I served in Strategic Air Command, we didn’t have a leadership problem. The top leadership of SAC were people of extraordinary maturity, patriotism, competence and will. SAC’s singular mission was to deter an attack, nuclear or otherwise, upon the United States. The Soviet Union knew damn good and well what their fate would be if SAC retaliated. Although SAC’s motto was “Peace Is Our Profession”, it was ready, willing and able to deliver thermonuclear hell upon any enemy. In it’s day, the Commander-in-Chief of SAC answered only to the President of the United States and not to the Joint Chiefs of Staff or the Secretary of Defense. That way, assholes like Milly and Austin could not prevent SAC from completing it’s mission once the President ordered an attack. SAC was the finest organization I’ve ever known.


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