Marine Le Pen indicted for sharing ISIS pictures on Twitter – IOTW Report

Marine Le Pen indicted for sharing ISIS pictures on Twitter

In December 2015, a preliminary investigation into the “broadcast of violent images” was opened by the Nanterre Public Prosecutor’s Office, followed by two separate investigations, one for each of the two politicians. If found guilty, they face three years in jail and up to $90.000 fine if it can be established that the pictures could be seen by a minor.

Story at Geller Report

12 Comments on Marine Le Pen indicted for sharing ISIS pictures on Twitter

  1. Soon there will be no difference between what she posted on Twitter and what you can see from your window in a Paris suburb. The government solution will be to import more Muslims and pass laws making it illegal for Parisians to look out their windows.

  2. France has become so stupidly liberal they will allow repatriation of ISIS fighters who have actually committed such atrocities as cutting off heads, but will jail those who warn of the atrocious actions of the ISIS fighters.

  3. This process is “normalizing” ISIS atrocities. If you can’t show what ISIS does or discuss it, you are slowly conditioned to accept it.

    Imagine all the New French of Islamic persuasion who are deeply offended by LePen’s privileged view that there is something wrong with cutting off the heads of those who do not follow Islam.

  4. Acknowledging reality has become a crime in the EU.

    In the US, if you acknowledge reality, you aren’t prosecuted by the judicial system.

    However the US media and segments of society will label you a deplorable, racist, sexist, homophobic, deranged right wing conservative, anarchist, protectionist, nazi, neanderthal and any disparaging name the left thinks up.

    I suspect the next step will be prosecution patterned after the European model of society that the socialists are enamored with.

  5. France … sheesh!
    They never learn.

    Y’know, the French believe that the French Resistance liberated Paris in WWII.
    The fukkin stupid runs deep in France.

    izlamo delenda est …

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