Marine Rylee McCollum’s mother calls into the Wilkow Majority – IOTW Report

Marine Rylee McCollum’s mother calls into the Wilkow Majority

The audio is HERE. <— Click play on the photo at the link.

“20 yr old Rylee McCollum was one of the 13 Marines killed in the suicide bombing in Kabul.

His mom called into the Wilkow Majority Show on Sirius XM Channel 125. This is truly a must-listen.✅

Her representative @repboebert has reached out & is visiting her home. The White House has not.”

h/t Brad.

20 Comments on Marine Rylee McCollum’s mother calls into the Wilkow Majority

  1. I cannot stop myself from crying for this mother. Good on her for reaching anger before grief when making this call. As a mother of a child who was in the military for the bombing of Baghdad – so the Bush family didn’t have to disturb their “good friends the Saudis”- our child came home.
    This Demonic party who orchestrated this debacle should rot in their treasonous graves.

  2. I will pray for her and all the families that lost loved ones. This is what you get when you steal an election.This is what you get when you have corrupt State Attorney Generals. This is what you get when you have a cowardly SCOTUS. This is what you get when you have a perfect storm of idiocy.

  3. Make this woman the First Female President of the United States.

    She handled it MUCH BETTER than I would have.

    Guaranteed her son was SOLID with a mom like this.

  4. I couldn’t stop the flow of tears.

    This evil president and his party stole the election and are intentionally destroying this country as fast as they can. Biden is no victim of circumstance. He’s Satan.

  5. You know @Bob M. There are bucket
    Lists for baseball parks I want to see a game in, sights I’d
    like to see.

    Never thought of graves I’d like to piss on. Hmmm.
    Hey Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and Joe Biden. Hurry up. I’m running out of time.

    So far I have Robert Byrd and John Allen Muhammad (beltway sniper), FDR, Woodrow Wilson. I know am forgetting others.

    Any ideas?

  6. After thinking about it for a while, I don’t want justice, I want revenge. There’s a good possibility more of our young people will die before this is over. What an F’ed up mess.

  7. To the Mother of the United States Marine Rylee McCollum:
    Our tears fall for you, Rylee’s wife and child.
    May God hold you all in his grace so that you can stand up, eyes on the horizon and do the next right thing.

    I wish that I could lock you in a room with Biden right now.

  8. david7134 August 28, 2021 at 6:19 pm

    “Biden is holding office by fraud. The “Dem”s have seized the government. Somehow this MUST be stopped.”

    Absolutely! Somehow, some way, as constitutionally as possible, this CANNOT be allowed to transpire any further!

    It is very difficult to deny that all of this was the conclusion, and result of voter fraud, (along with the manipulation of a questionable “pandemic”), resulting with the installation of an illegitimate, mentally incapacitated president who now bears responsibility for his initial actions and eventual outcomes. This can also be applied to actions taken regarding immigration policies, energy independence, a so-called (treatable) “pandemic”, which they will likely attempt stretching out into the 2022 and 2024 elections, since he massive voter fraud schemes worked so well in 2020!

    Those responsible government officials who acted as though the entire 2020 election process was legitimate, and who were responsible for quietly ushering in this fraudulent, obviously incapacitated president are also culpable accessories, who can no longer be trusted by their constituents.

    We are now witnessing the beginnings of this outcome of a heinous, massively pre-planned crime of all times, which now bears the fruits of this criminal behavior, which may last into a future, with, or without a country.

  9. PHenry
    AUGUST 28, 2021 AT 8:29 PM

    Ted kennedy and that fat bastard they burled in a piani box, tip o’neill

    Jesses jackson

    John kerry
    Dickie gephart
    Pat schroeder
    Facist fauci
    Jane fonda

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