Mario Cuomo Dead – IOTW Report

Mario Cuomo Dead

That’s all I’m going to say.Screen Shot 2015-01-01 at 8.43.50 PM

I livedĀ in NY under this loon’s reign.

HT/ JC Lady

30 Comments on Mario Cuomo Dead

  1. Did it hurt? It should have. Born and raised in Western NY, would have voted for Lehrman had I not moved to the Soviet Commonwealth previous to the election.

    New yorkers, including my kith and kin, got what they voted for. No bitching allowed at family affairs.


  2. Fur, I know you didn’t think highly of him as governor, but take it from a current employee of the New York State civil service: at least when Mario was governor, the state’s agencies were properly run. Today they’re a joke, understaffed and run on a shoestring. All because his evil spawn, Andy Boy, is not focusing on running the state like a proper chief executive should. Instead, he’s all about banning fracking and kissing LGBT ass.

    I can’t think of anything Mario did in office that was half as destructive to New York State as spawning the asswipe who was sworn in today for a second term.

  3. WHAT???????????
    Mario Cuomo was the architect of THE BIG UGLY, the highest deficit in NYS HISTORY.
    You call that “properly run state agencies.” I call that BIG GLOATED GOVERNMENT that NYS has still not recovered from.
    The resultant corporate taxes began the exodus of jobs straight outta NY. But thank God he ballooned the civil service jobs.

  4. Furthermore!!! lol..
    It was Cuomo’s complete lack of knowing what to do that spiraled the deficit crisis out of control.
    The original Mr. Soaring Rhetoric delayed a budget so long that NY started racking up interest payments on loans that ballooned higher than most state’s budgets.
    NY had its credit rating dropped and it made it expensive to borrow money — because of his inaction.
    In the end, what did the “man of ideas” do? The usual leftist idea.
    He raised gasoline tax, upped corporate taxes, raised “luxury taxes” (which are more business killing measures because he raised soda and liquor taxes that killed restaurants as well as raising, across the board, service taxes.)
    Cuomo single-handedly made it nearly impossible for the poor to afford things like eating, taking taxis etc.
    Gasoline taxes in NY raised the price of EVERYTHING.

    As the poor slipped into brackets that necessitated more welfare, NY required more civil service jobs, expanding the state and killing the private sector.
    It’s the blueprint for the modern left.
    Cuomo can suck a devil dick as he rots in hell.
    That man was an asshole, and smug ta boot.
    Jerry Lewis thought he was too smug.

  5. Cal Thomas on Cuomo (1991) – Many Americans don’t understand economics beyond their own pocketbooks,so the issue of taxing and spending needs to be put in terms they can comprehend.

    Take, for instance, my recent New York City hotel bill. For a one-night stay,in addition to the room charge,the following taxes were levied: $7.65 city occupancy tax; $6.35 state occupancy tax; $2 city room tax; $10.52 state sales tax. In addition there were federal and state taxes on phone calls and food as well as newspapers and other items purchased in the gift shop.

    Then there’s the $4 bridge and tunnel toll and horrendous taxes for people who actually live in New York.

    Yet,New York Gov. Mario Cuomo says New York is ”broke to the marrow of its bones.” New Yorkers (and other Americans)have a right to ask why government can’t live within its means like the rest of us.

    The answer is that government seeks to placate interest groups by taxing the productive to subsidize those who are unproductive. So Congress last year passed a luxury tax to ”soak the rich.”

    Does a convention passing on coming to New York because of outlandish fees “soak the rich”? Or does it put janitors, bell hops, restaurant workers, maids, cab drivers, and all the people who relay on “the rich” out of work?

    That’s what Cuomo did. I remember the “convention blight” while Cuomo reigned with his magnificent managerial skillz.
    NY was being hollowed out by its own governor.
    He was great if you wanted to collapse a capitalistic system and usher in a total state run economy.
    Cuomo was so inept a little known mayor from a small upstate town, Peekskill, ousted Cuomo.
    Pataki won because “HE WASN’T CUOMO.” (And because Howard Stern endorsed him.)

  6. He brought the word “gravitas” to the forefront. He spoke with dignity and solemnity for hours, and never said a fucking thing that meant anything. As the great Bob Grant said: “He was a fake, a phoney, and a fraud.” And his son is worse.
    Here is Prince Andrew last October 2nd at Al Sharpton’s 60th Birthday in NYC: “He’s no longer just New York’s Al Sharpton . He’s the nation’s Rev. Sharpton — and the nation is better for it.”

    Then, just last week at the funeral of assassinated Officer Ramos, he praised the NYPD. for it’s professionalism.

    Something sticks in my craw. Bob Grant was right.

  7. Fur nails it. Cuomo’s a poster boy for bureaucratic greed sucking the life blood from free enterprise. And in case our friends on the left start eulogizing him too much, remember the unofficial campaign signs, ‘Vote for Cuomo, Not the Homo’, referring to Ed Koch. In spite of all that, condolences to his family – we’re still human beings and all…

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