Marjorie Taylor Greene Announces Release Of Jan. 6 Tapes To More Outlets: ‘Unfettered Access’ – IOTW Report

Marjorie Taylor Greene Announces Release Of Jan. 6 Tapes To More Outlets: ‘Unfettered Access’

Daily Caller: Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia announced Wednesday that the tapes showing the Jan. 6, 2021 riot at the Capitol building would be released to more journalists.

John Solomon of, Julie Kelly of American Greatness and an unnamed outlet will receive “unfettered access” to the over 41,000 hours of video footage of the Capitol riot, the Georgia congresswoman posted on Twitter.

“As I promised the J6 tapes will be released. @SpeakerMcCarthy will give @jsolomonReports, @Julie_kelly2, and a third outlet unfettered access to the J6 tapes,” Greene tweeted. “Their reporting on it starts tomorrow!” MORE

16 Comments on Marjorie Taylor Greene Announces Release Of Jan. 6 Tapes To More Outlets: ‘Unfettered Access’

  1. Sorry, but it’s creepy they’re not releasing the tapes to the public – only through the ‘media’.

    Seems any hope of any part of government that is still ‘for the people’ is waning quickly.

  2. There’s no reason why all 41,000 hours (1708 days) haven’t been on play off my hard disk array for the past 875 days.

    Well, I suppose there’s one reason. If it was made available, no one would have watched a single minute of Joe Bribem.

  3. MTG along with Captain Obvious(Jordan) just voted to allow inflation to get even worse. This is our representation. 70% + want spending constrained…yeah so? Fuck you.

    The arrows are coming in from all directions but the bunch on the hill over there in DC shooting fiat money shafts are very deadly. Simply put no other country is going to continue buying T Bills so the Fed will simply conjure up another $3-4 trillion in the next couple years. And…

    Thank God the black racists will go on the installment plan…HAHAHA Recall those images of wheel barrows full of Deutschmarks to buy a biscuit, for the next gaggle of Tic Tokers, we’ll have an OG with a backpack full of greenbacks buying some rims.

    Lord, it’s going to be spectacular. I hope there are video downloads of the riots at ATMs reading error.

  4. We, the People of the United States, abdicated our sovereignty when we allowed the Usurper Obola to steal his second “election.”

    We, the People of the United States, KILLED our sovereignty and BURIED it when we allowed the Retarded Pedophile Usurper Joey to infect the White House.

    We, the People of the United States, will learn to eat shit and like it.
    We tolerate much.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. here’s some more pics/video the alphabet agencies and legacy media have been suppressing

    The website – – houses almost 10,000 photos spanning from 2008 to 2019 and took months to complete, Garrett Ziegler, the founder of nonprofit Marco Polo, told Fox News Digital.

  6. FFS, stop “announcing” and start DOING! They game us. We’re pawns and they know we have no recourse–not in the courts and not in the voting booth. At this point, I just hope to live long enough to see Biden, Hillary, and the Obamas into their graves.


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