Marjorie Taylor Greene Brutalizes Ilhan Omar With Tweets About Her Illicit Brother Marriage – IOTW Report

Marjorie Taylor Greene Brutalizes Ilhan Omar With Tweets About Her Illicit Brother Marriage


Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) has not even been officially sworn into Congress yet, but she is already taking the fight to “The Squad” in ways that other Republicans would never dream.

The spat began after Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) took potshots at Sen. Kelly Loeffler (D-GA), the patriotic who is fighting to keep her post as U.S. Senator during a run-off election in a state marred with unprecedented electoral irregularities. more

18 Comments on Marjorie Taylor Greene Brutalizes Ilhan Omar With Tweets About Her Illicit Brother Marriage

  1. How many people in Omar’s district will care about this and vote against her?

    It’s the people in her district that are the real problem, Omar just represents how they think and what they want done and intend to do if they can.

    And they aren’t going to change or give up on it, they’ll just keep spreading and gaining strength till they prevail.

  2. I’m sure some wanted to vote for Omar, but according to Pro Veritas vids, there were people who admitted to being paid to harvest votes and paying FOR votes. But no one has filed a legal complaint for recounts. The only way she’ll get caught is in a sting or an honest county or state wide re-canvass.

  3. After all the questions that have arisen in our 2020 election related to fraud, I wonder if voters are the problem or if election officials have been up to crimes in the shadows. Granted we don’t have enough selections on ballots, but do Americans think fraud in elections is acceptable as long as their selection wins?

  4. Full Auto- A dem never stops to consider their dem guy could be cheated by another dem guy. The Kennedys did it all the time. They cheated bern-out in Las Vegas when he ran against hillary. Do Reps do it? Probably. But when they do they get caught, unless they’re colluding with dems.
    Which is what I think GA gov Kemp(“R”) did with the dems the last 2 elections.

  5. Trump’s fight will be going to the SCOTHUS. Once that is done, many of these Dem seats need to be investigated. We already know the the Dems lie, cheat, and steal. How does the the squad, Pelosi, and Waters, continue to get reelected? I still have a small amount of faith in mankind, there can’t be that many stupid people in America.

  6. Can you really brutalize someone with the truth, especially if they already know that truth? This isn’t the Jerry Springer show, where they drag some unsuspecting schmuck in front of a national audience to slap them upside the head with something devastating they previously knew nothing about. She KNOWS she married her own brother, and from what we know of her, it wouldn’t surprise me if she’d actually fucked him, too.

  7. You take from the people who voted for her. That’s how you get back at those who hate America. Quietly, non violently, and consistently. They can elect her as many times as they want. They can’t get my charity, ever again.

  8. I dont think Somals hump goats very much. For one thing, there nothing in Somalia for a goat to feed on

    Which is one reason people in Somalia are so nuts. They basically have to kill someone just to eat enough to survive the day

  9. Tell Kelly Loeffler she wont need Ilhan’s help with “clapback” (Whatever the F’ that piece of linguistic retardation means) I’ll be in charge of that …..

    Hey, Ilhan how’s your daddy? .. But more important, how’s your granddaddy? Wasn’t he the Minister of Communication for Gen Mohammed Siad Barri back in the Eighties. And didn’t some really shitty things happen to a group called the Isaaq tribe on your grandaddy’s watch. I heard 100K persons of coloration were murdered. Is that true or was it more like 200K? Of course that’s why you had to flee Somalia, right? Doesn’t it bother you when the media tries to portray your family as victims?

    Which makes me wonder what your beef is with America, you know, the country that saved your life. Is it because we’re rank amateurs when it comes to mass murdering blacks. I mean grandpa’s boss killed 50K in one week in one city alone. That about 20 times as many as were lynched in America in the past 150 years, for Allah’s sake

    So when you go off on the fact that one black dude dies in your city of a fentanyl overdose while a cop was applying 30 lbs of pressure to his neck like its the greatest crime against humanity ever, it makes me wonder. Were you raised in a lunatic asylum?

    Actually I dont wonder; you were. it’s called the American public School system

  10. @Thirdtwin

    Well of course there’s khat; but you need to be in a PTSD frame of mind for it to work. BTW, I hear there’s a Somali phrase that’s used to describe taking khat before going around the bend

    Getting Khat to trot

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