Marjorie Taylor Greene gets into J6 jail, inmates sing national anthem – IOTW Report

Marjorie Taylor Greene gets into J6 jail, inmates sing national anthem


After months of trying, conservative Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene was given access last night to the jail housing up to 120 alleged Jan. 6 rioters and watched as they sang the national anthem, a nightly ritual.

In a statement, Greene said that D.C. Corrections Department officials allowed her in to check on the conditions which some of the inmates complained about. more

8 Comments on Marjorie Taylor Greene gets into J6 jail, inmates sing national anthem

  1. So out of 120 political prisoners, the judge released one (ONE?), due to deplorable conditions. WTF? What about the other 119??? And notice they only let one representative in to visit them, because it is easy to discredit just one representative, whom they have already branded as “crazy”.

  2. For any of you that still harbor the illusion that we are a nation of laws, this is your wake up call.

    Every tenet of jurisprudence (due process, speedy trial, being able to confront and question your accuser, punishment commensurate with the crime, illegal search and seizure)has been stood on it’s head.

    Adam’s Alien and Sedition Acts and Lincoln’s abridgment of Habeas corpus is not even in the same league of corruption as what’s going
    on now.

    There is no greater example of how dangerous it is when evil men are in power than this.

  3. This woman puts almost 100% of the “representatives” we think we have in the House to fucking shame.

    yeah I’m specifically referring to you, Jim “captain obvious” Jordan. Because we elected the likes of you to send tweets about last months’ news.

  4. I watched MTG talking about this on Bannon last night. The description of the conditions these people are being held in could have come straight from “The Gulag Archipalgo”.

    And the reason they are being held in such conditions seem to be: Trespassing and anti-Soviet thought!!!


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