Marjorie Taylor Greene Keeps Promise, Files Articles Of Impeachment Against Joe Biden – IOTW Report

Marjorie Taylor Greene Keeps Promise, Files Articles Of Impeachment Against Joe Biden

National File:

Responding to a question about a major announcement she had planned, Greene stated, “I would like to announce on behalf of the American people, we have to make sure sure that our leaders are held accountable, we cannot have a President of the United States that is willing to abuse the power of the office of the Presidency and be easily bought off by foreign governments, foreign Chinese energy companies, Ukrainian energy companies.”

“On January 21st I will be filing articles of impeachment on Joe Biden,” Greene said.

19 Comments on Marjorie Taylor Greene Keeps Promise, Files Articles Of Impeachment Against Joe Biden

  1. I’m sure no Democrats will support it, but keep an eye on which Republicans do and which don’t.

    That will tell you something, decide for yourself what it is.

  2. It mat not get anywhere but it’s more than justified. She should be supported strongly, she’s doing exactly what we’ve demanded by demanding accountability from these scum.
    Let your reps know that she’s supported by you and let them feel the heat.
    At least someone is showing the cowards how it’s supposed to be done!

  3. Lets go!
    Non STOP!
    Do more to them than they did to Trump!
    Tit for tat.
    Now itt’s our turn.
    Resist in every way! Boldly & Proud

    Democrats lie & cheat.
    Republicans are weak.

    We NEED Trump’s Republican Party NOT Romney & Ryan’s, not McCain’s or not McConnell’s.
    Only real men need apply.

  4. Holy Shit! A GOP Congressman actually keeps a promise she made to her supporters.

    Need to mark this date on the calendar.

    However the rest of the GOP traitors in Congress and in the Governorships can go fuck themselves. No one more damn dime to those traitors..

  5. Don’t think I’m sexist lol of course women are welcome in Trumps Republican party.

    I just mean we don’t need these weak men in congress.
    We need strong woman & men.

  6. Outraged females are our most effective tool. Those that oppose them must be much more careful with their language or risk outrage from many directions. Few want take the gamble of tangling with a pissed off woman!

  7. @Anonymous: ” I’m sure no Democrats will support it, but keep an eye on which Republicans do and which don’t.

    That will tell you something, decide for yourself what it is.”

    They could all vote against it knowing that their minority means nothing. Would you then be fooled by their deception? Trust not any republican at face value. Always assume a snake.

  8. And then there is this shitbag

    The filthy reprobate is getting his comeuppance in the reader comments. He came our way thanks to the Bellevue Republican establishment controlled Washington State GOP.

  9. Believe all the women.

    The seriousness of the accusation demands an investigation.

    As far as asterisks go, Biden now has the dubious honor of joining the club of Presidents who have had articles of impeachments filed against him.

    Congrats. Now unify and resign to save the country the ordeal.

  10. You know what amazes me and is so unbelievable? That not only did the lousy government let biden sicko get in there. But the worst being that his pervert criminal son is going to be running our government. If that’s not twisted I don’t know what is.

  11. She is a star. The voters will love her and wash dc will destroy her.

    As we speak, the republicans in congress are lifting up Liz Cheney. To lift up Liz Cheney is to give the middle finger to the voters who put all of them in office.

    The elected members of the republican party want the democrats to win. Period.

    I can’t fathom how republican voters can be this stupid.


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