Mark Dice: CNN Doesn’t Like My YouTube Videos ☹️ – IOTW Report

Mark Dice: CNN Doesn’t Like My YouTube Videos ☹️

6 Comments on Mark Dice: CNN Doesn’t Like My YouTube Videos ☹️

  1. If there’s four on the screen, Dice must have been mean, the way he dogs the NPC’s is just obcene, drinking tears from a cup while he laughs in their face, gotta knock him off of YouTube, he’s a damn disgrace…

    There’s your full-on rap, Juan.

  2. It’s so heartwarming to know that these media icons, champions of diversity and all things the fags like, are so quick to ban people from their unsocial media accounts.

    Cry me a river!

  3. Juan… Lonely Guy!

    I’d feel sorry for him if he wasn’t getting paid killions of dollars a year to spew his filth. And he’s kinda grey for a Black Panther wouldn’t you agree?

  4. Won, lol, I never thought I would ever see even goody two shoes Dana, roll her eyes at Won’s crazy.
    They, Progs, are coming unglued, unhinged, unbalanced, the thought of their power becoming unobtainium is driving them crazier and violent.
    Yeah, I know, I didn’t think it was possible either.

  5. If all the villages on earth were to give up their idiots and send them to create a super village of idiots…Any/all democrats that were to join said village would then be crowned the village idiot…

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