Mark Dice: He Disappeared [Alex Jones banned from Twitter for “bullying” CNN reporter] – IOTW Report

Mark Dice: He Disappeared [Alex Jones banned from Twitter for “bullying” CNN reporter]

Alex Jones banned from Twitter for “bullying” CNN reporter.

7 Comments on Mark Dice: He Disappeared [Alex Jones banned from Twitter for “bullying” CNN reporter]

  1. there are many sources banned from my eyes, I just don’t click on the BS noise, problem solved,
    George said “If this were a dictatorship it would be a heck of a lot easier… as long as I’m the dictator. Hehehe.”

  2. I don’t follow Alex Jones which is ample proof Americans are smart enough to make their own decisions and don’t need a big brother to tell them who to listen to and who to avoid.

    Show me the perfect person or algorithm created by a human free from bias. Maybe then I’ll let them source my information.


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