Mark Dice: They Got Their New Talking Points! – IOTW Report

Mark Dice: They Got Their New Talking Points!

21 Comments on Mark Dice: They Got Their New Talking Points!

  1. I for one am glad when the “Trump is Hella Crazy” shit cycles around every month like menstrual cramps. It shows they still have nothing of substance after 2+ years of this.

    ::looks at calendar::

    Say, isn’t it about time for Mueller to flip somebody and blow this thing wide open?

  2. The “pot” has been simmering for a long time, now, but I have never seen such, crazed, out-of-control media. It *is* as though, if Trump pulls the plug, they will all melt away like the Wicked Witch of the West, with all the deep state mess.

    It is strange to watch, the desperation. It sure ain’t ole Walter Cronkite!

    This time, I suspect, perhaps, something real *is* actually about to happen. When — if — it does, it will be important for all of America to support Trump and drown out the deceivers and liars.

    Hmmmmmmmmmmmm…. How might we do that? ….Lady in Red

  3. It’s all the Left has. This IS their message going into the mid terms. Trump owns all the issues – the economy, taxes, foreign policy, trade, national security. The Left lives in “the upside-down” world of the willingly ignorant and demented.

  4. Sounds to me like this is another attempt by the media to induce hysteria to justify utilizing the 25th amendment to remove Trump. This Times article is nothing more than an opinion piece by some backstabbing self appointed self righteous slimeball. However it does verify that the deep state exists and is deeper than we ever knew.
    Due to the accomplishments of the Trump administration I cannot accept the veracity of this oped. No administration as chaotic as this person claims could get as much done in as short of a period of time a the trump admin has.
    This article also illustrates the dire need to expose these swamp critters in any way necessary.
    The article also reeks of CIA/NSA involvement. it sounds just like a lot of their half baked schemes. I gotta make me a tin foil hat now. They’re watching me.

  5. I have one question, what happened to John Kerry’s eyebrows?

    So, we’re back to mentally unfit. Omorosa (remember her? From before funeralthon?) and racism are going to be on the back burner from now.

  6. They are going to provoke a Leftist mental-case to exact violence against the President. I sincerely believe this is their goal. The Left hasn’t hit bottom yet with their hysteria and rhetoric, though. It seems they know there’s nothing coming from the “Russia” dragnet but plenty info showing the real conspiracy on their part.

  7. I was really down, then I read one tweet from the President:

    — “I’m draining the Swamp, and the Swamp is trying to fight back. Don’t worry, we will win!” —

  8. Being the world’s greatest troll, I am not convinced that PDJT did not have the nyt’s op-ed created to further splodey-head the leftists………… Bwwaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha….erp!
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

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