Mark Levin: ‘I’m Going to Vote for Donald Trump’ – IOTW Report

Mark Levin: ‘I’m Going to Vote for Donald Trump’

Breitbart: On Tuesday, talk radio host Mark Levin announced, “I’m going to vote for Donald Trump.”

Levin began by saying he was “not a cheerleader, early on” for Trump. He then stated the election is “binary” between Trump and Democratic presidential nominee former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

He then said, “I’m going to vote for Donald Trump. … I take no responsibility for the dumb things he says or the dumb things his surrogates say.”  MORE

47 Comments on Mark Levin: ‘I’m Going to Vote for Donald Trump’

  1. If levin is “The Great (grate) One”, then why did he annihilate his own business and imperil the entire country in advance of his capitulation? What a total a$$ and moron he is. I know I’m not the only one who will never trust his judgement again. Has been.

  2. “I take no responsibility for the dumb things he says…”

    levin can’t be accused of not following form. He takes no responsibility for the things he, himself, says, either.

    What an arrogant fool.

  3. Arrogant arse. I stopped listening to him many, many months ago when I realized he sold his soul to Cruz. Not only did he sell his soul to Cruz, I came to the conclusion that he, Levin, is also a globalist even though he rants against whatnot.

    I no longer trust him, and can only think of all the people he persuaded to not vote for Mr. Trump by his less than subtle denigration of Mr. Trump. I call B.S. on his words.

  4. He then said, “I’m going to vote for Donald Trump. … I take no responsibility for the dumb things he says or the dumb things his surrogates say.”

    So…Levin uses the moniker, “JohnS”?

  5. from “Trump Battles Globalist Republicans”

    “Trump’s next stop was a private meeting with Senator Ted Cruz, who inappropriately brought his campaign manager Jeff Roe to the meeting. Two months after suspending his campaign, why does Cruz still utilize a high-priced campaign manager to join high-level discussions with the presumptive nominee?

    The answer is that Cruz never stopped running for president, and the people who spent $158 million — more than twice what Trump spent — to back Cruz in 2016 are not going away. Cruz recently set up two new nonprofit organizations to keep his key people employed, prematurely launching another run for president in 2020.

    Cruz’s delays in endorsing Trump and his disloyal preparations to run for president in 2020 help only one person: Hillary Clinton, which is what some Republican mega-donors actually prefer, because they are globalists who oppose Trump’s stances against immigration and free trade.

    The globalists will never accept Trump or anyone else who puts Americans first, and they are using Cruz to undermine Trump’s campaign. Cruz’s mega-donors think they can buy their way to control of the Republican Party even if Trump wins the presidency this year, and they are already funding the takeover of several conservative organizations.”

  6. TO Matty
    “Conversions of Convenience” do not usually carry much weight.
    I want to see some consistency
    out of this guy for awhile before believing him this time.

  7. FU Levin. I’ll vote for Trump but……. Levin is a full-on 100% establishment beltway lawyer insider whose life is wrapped up in congressional process and is completely out of touch with the life of every day Americans. Does Levin ever leave the DC area?

  8. Boy, talk about cutting the conservative wheat from the “so-called conservative” chaff. If it wasn’t for Trump we never would’ve known how many Cling-On conservative wanna-bes the whole conservative movement has. Anyways, that makes the number of Real conservatives quite a bit smaller, doesn’t it.

    Like Jesus said in the Bible, “It sucks to be right.”

  9. Happy birthday, Sybil!

    Mark Levin isn’t as smart or relevant as he thinks he is. Still, as per MJA’s comment about the #NeverTrumpers, I’m sure there will be many a ‘splodey head and running for safe spaces over this.

  10. Team Hillary will try to cheat and fraud their way to the White House. We need every vote we can get. I’m glad Levin will be doing the right thing. But I won’t return to listening to his show. He fed the #NeverTrump beast for months now. He gave that misguided movement his imprimatur. For that, he has lost me — a 6-year loyal listener.

  11. Thank you O Great One for the back-handed endorsement of Donald Trump. How if you just concentrate on the positives of a Trump/Pence ticket for the rest of the year, I will be grateful to you.

  12. I appreciate consistency. I also think people are quite capable of changing their minds. As much as he is in the public eye, I should think walking people through how he arrived at a change would be in order. I’d prefer to read it, because I’ve been done with him for a while and won’t tune in any time soon.

    “not a cheerleader, early on” for Trump

    Uh huh. Does he even listen to himself? The vitriol he spewed was above and beyond. “… I take no responsibility for the dumb things he says or the dumb things his surrogates say.” is quite the endorsement. What the hell. It’s a vote.

    And Happy Birthday Sybil!

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