Mark Levin: ‘It’s Time For The Attorney General To Step Aside’ – IOTW Report

Mark Levin: ‘It’s Time For The Attorney General To Step Aside’

Daily Caller: Conservative talk radio host Mark Levin called for Attorney General Jeff Session “to step aside” on Monday.

Levin said on his show, “the entire department’s out of control now,” after news broke of the FBI raid on the office, home, and hotel room of President Donald Trump’s personal attorney, Michael Cohen.

“I say it with the gravest regret, I really do, because I know what it means personally but I can’t, I can’t ignore what I’m seeing and what’s going on here,” Levin told his audience.

Levin has known and been friends with Sessions since they both worked in the Justice Department under President Ronald Reagan. “I want to make a point here, and it will destroy a 30-year friendship, it’ll destroy it,” Levin said. “But I really do think it’s time for the attorney general to step aside. It’s time for the attorney general to step aside.”

“The buck stops on the Attorney General’s desk, even if he recused himself as he did with the Russian matter,” Levin continued. “This is not the Russian matter. And the entire Department is out of control now. And its country first, over any politician, even if I’ve known that politician for a long, long time, his attorney general now.”

“I watch the president of the United States here now. He doesn’t deserve any of this. He didn’t do anything. He didn’t do anything. What do you think it is, Chappaquiddick?” Levin asked. “And so it’s time for the Attorney General to step aside and for the president of the United States, he can make a recess appointment, not to put in a body or anything like that. He can put Dershowitz in there for all I care. He needs to put somebody in there who’s going to take a little bit more charge over what’s going on in this country.”  Listen.

23 Comments on Mark Levin: ‘It’s Time For The Attorney General To Step Aside’

  1. I think Trump needs to call in the marines and arrest the traitorous lot and hold military tribunals to try them all.

    when the cia, justice department and the fbi are all against you what other choice do you have ?

    changing the head of the justice department will not do it.
    arresting them all for their actions would.

    the crime of betraying one’s country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.

  2. It’s extremely frustrating to wait for them to pull the trigger. If Sessions is laying in wait he sure is allowing Mueller to go batshit crazy and this is all hurting the country especially with an election in the near future. Thats why I said in the past that he should give the public at least a glimmer of hope while this all is happening. They had better do something soon. The public’s patience is not infinite.

  3. Mark is 12 months late! This pretender is a fake. His actions are at Odds- 180 degrees out of phase. my engineer friends would say – with his words! Cal is a great example. Is the trial date set for Brown? No and never will be; Jeff’s sham threats of jail were in military terms “a stalking horse:!
    His handling of the Clintons/FBI has been the dictionary def of hypocrisy!

  4. Government: a smegma, rolled in a turd, covered in puke.

    President Trump will be accused of “The Night of the Long Knives” as soon as he tries to rid us of these turbulent lawyers in the renegade DoJ and FBI.

    He knows this. Sessions knows this. Mueller knows this.
    Sessions is (probably; hopefully) waiting for Mueller to overstep himself in an obvious, easily derided way, which Mueller has done previously and grown more arrogant and grasping in his successes.

    They will review everything taken from Cohen and then sift out what is “Attorney-Client” privilege and what isn’t! Well, even a plumber knows that it must be read and analyzed before that determination can be made, so the “Attorney-Client” privilege is moot, as all information is in the hands of the FBI – regardless of its relevance to “Russian Collusion” – which isn’t a crime in the first instance – let us not forget.

    Mueller and his Brown-Shirts may have stepped on their cocks, this time.
    We’ll see.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Well, not one word about Hilary’s treason, nor Holder’s, nor Obama’s election meddling via the FBI from Sessions to date. So, yes, he should absolutely be fired, and his involvement with all of the above investigated.

  6. Is AG Sessions a stealth DJT weapon? Is he a fifth columnist? I don’t know; I’ve given him the benefit of the doubt, but I am increasingly frustrated by the continued fishing expedition of Mr. Mueller. I am more patient than most concerning this issue, but something better happen soon or DJT risks losing the attention of the people who care…that is to say, Americans.

  7. It’s imperative that Sessions complete his work without Presidential interference in order to prosecute and convict the perps. Both Trump and Sessions know this.
    Levine was heavily invested in Cruz. Cruz was heavily invested in the North American treaty which was just another EU nightmare. I don’t trust Levine or his opinion.

  8. So where does the FBI hide this as they sort through it. Next to the DNC hacked servers? Hillarys 30K+ emails?
    Are they letting Debbie Wasermanschults or whatever her name is, personal I.T. guys from another county do the reading?
    The FBI and DOJ are a laughing stock. No respect for them anymore.

  9. There’s no secret plan to oust the deep state. Did Jeff Sessions ever seem like the super smart prosecutor type to anyone before he got to be AG? It’s not good enough that he worked under Reagan in ANY department. Some people have worked for Reagan who have become full-fledged RINOs today. It’s been over a year and nothing has happened. He doesn’t need Trump’s OK to investigate Hillary and whatever other mess 0bama did. But he doesn’t. Oh, so he set ICE loose? BFD! That’s ICE’s JOB.
    I don’t care what Sessions did in the past. He isn’t doing dick now.
    In my opinion, this is Trump’s worst pick ever.
    Get lost, Jeffy.

  10. Re: Mark Levin. Yes, he liked Cruz (as did I) during the primaries and was being so weird about it. I quit listening to him for a long time after all the petty BS. He didn’t get as weird as Glenn Beck, but still. lol.
    But since then, he (Mark) has gotten over it. And as long as he’s defending Trump when he should and pulling Trump’s ear when he does something wrong, I’m OK with it, as long as it isn’t snippy or bitchy as it was during the primaries.

  11. Rosenstein is the real rat in all of this, with his earlier involvement in the phony Russian Collusion pretext for the FISA Court investigation of Carter Page, and his providing Muller with cover after the house raid on Paul Manafort. He needs to go. Sessions should fire him for this latest outrage.


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