Mark Levin: ‘Mitt Romney’s a dumbass’ – IOTW Report

Mark Levin: ‘Mitt Romney’s a dumbass’

“Remember when Romney voted to remove President Trump for a perfectly legitimate phone call but dismissed evidence of Hunter Biden’s serial sleazy business deals? With all due respect, what a dumb ass.

27 Comments on Mark Levin: ‘Mitt Romney’s a dumbass’

  1. This person from Utah has been saying that all along. BUT……because he’s good looking (everything a well polished politician should be) and a Mormon, enough people of Utah were duped into putting this carpetbagger into office.

  2. Dumb Ass? No, I think the asshole is so compromised by China he’s forced to do dumb things. An extension of some portion of The Church Of Latter Day Saints. Same with Mike Lee.

  3. One of the funniest memes ever was the picture of Trump yelling to Romney after their meeting in New Jersey: “Try not to suck any cocks on the way to the parking lot!”

  4. Not dumb, well, maybe, but definitely crooked, certainly evil, self serving. . . the list goes on. I argued on many forums against his candidacy for POTUS so now all I can say is, “I told you so, just does not justice”.

  5. Bro. Mitt (R-Davos) is nominal Senator from Utah because he and the other nevertrumpers in the Utah Republican Party leadership, in cooperation with local media, gamed the nomination process to assure that we were forced to choose between him and Jenny Wilson, a Dem loon (now, Salt Lake County Mayor…we couldn’t catch a break).

    To their credit, state delegates in the Republican nominating convention forced a primary, but with the media denigrating his opposition every day, it was a lost cause.

    I am disgusted with the State Republican Party, the establishment Republican and RINO Legislature, the two nominal Senators from Utah, Bro. Mitt (R-Davos) and Bro. Lee (R-Bangalore), and Gov. Herbert and Gov.-elect Cox. Herbert just announced a BLM compliant compact. Not sure if he kissed any feet in the process. They both chastised State Attorney General Sean Reyes for going to Nevada to observe the vote count and participating in the Texas lawsuit. There are now calls for Reyes to be forced out.

    While there are an inordinate number of nevertrumpers here, there is also very strong support for Trump. There was a recall petition started after Bro. Mitt’s vote for impeachment, but it fizzled out when the Legislature signaled it would not allow a recall. I think it is time to revisit recall legislation.

  6. Romney was the one that introduced ObamaCare first to MA and now that we’ve seen how he has reacted and behaved it sure seems like Mitt has some strong ties to the globalist cabal and likely has his own compromising issues. We know he has an advisor tied to Burisma. And he is blind with envy and hatred. It would be better if he was just dumb.

  7. Republicans in Utah are not battle-hardened like they are in liberal states. They don’t know how to confront liberals and instead prefer to avoid confrontation. In otherwords they are pussies.

  8. He is trying to protect one or more of his sons that the obozo admin lured into the Ukraine money laundering RICO operation.
    Valjar said we need some witless RINOS to make this look bipartisan.
    A standard tactic of the left.
    “See both sides do it” . One RINO , thirteen democrats.
    Both sides are equally corrupt.
    Like 13 is equal to 1 in the current math from the DOE.

  9. Pierre Dilecto’s son is as deep into Barisma as Hunter Biden. That is what is motivating him at this point. If Trump remains in the White House Romney is going to be exposed.

    That fucking Romney doesn’t have an honest bone in his body. Never has. I remember the slimy POS showing up on the national scene during the Atlanta Olympics and have never had any use for the worthless bastard. He is so transparently skeevy that it leaves me shaking my head that anyone with at least a double digit IQ could fall for his shit.

  10. I don’t have many regrets in life, but voting for Romney in 2012 is one of them. I’d pay good money to get that vote back. At least when I was 18 and voted for Clinton back in ’92 I was young and stupid, this one, it haunts me.

  11. With all due respect to Mark Levin….I was more than capable of categorizing Romney as a TOTAL, QUIVERING, ASSHOLE.

    He does NOTHING to advance the stance of Mormonism, nor humanity.

  12. He’s a sleezy, skeevy, rotten ol’ Mitten. Somebody really ought to throw him away, he’s rancid and not to be trusted. He’s the kind of mitten that’s got holes in it and will give you ringworm.


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