Mark Levin to Donald Trump: ‘Don’t Stop Tweeting’ – IOTW Report

Mark Levin to Donald Trump: ‘Don’t Stop Tweeting’

“[I] want to thank the president for something — he gets attacked for this,” Levin said. “Thank you for taking on the media. It’s a damn about time somebody did. Don’t stop tweeting. Be more careful with your tweets, but don’t stop tweeting because you’re able to go over the head of the media the way Reagan did with his speeches. He could be more careful. I don’t care. Are the media careful about what they report? No. In any event, I’m one of those — count me in the minority that says, ‘Keep at it, keep at it, keep at it.’”


7 Comments on Mark Levin to Donald Trump: ‘Don’t Stop Tweeting’

  1. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve given Levin another chance to get me back as a listener. Every time I do it only takes him 5 minutes before he is slamming Trump for something, and then he loses me again. Too bad I didn’t hear him finally say something I agree with.

  2. See that?
    Schumer got Z-rayed at 2:51

    “We are trying to Hurt… to help American families…”
    Another Schiff style choke
    Chuck, Adam, Nancy, Maxine…
    The RAYS will git ya

  3. Tweets circumvent the “establishment” media. Say whatever you want, Mr. President, the spoiled brats are not going to like it. Puck them! You show how really worthless and bigoted they are. MAGA!

  4. Levin is trying to use the ‘ol “get out in front and make it look like a parade” tactic, when he is, in fact, bringing up the rear! (It’s called “grandstanding”, Mark.) So hilarious that of all people, Mark Levin is giving the okey-dokey for Trump to be Trump — except don’t be too Trumpian. O.K., yeah, sure. We’ll let the President know, Mark Levin. Thanks for the advice. Have you sent your check in to the GOPe this month? hahahahahahah!!!

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