Mark Levin Warns Rubio Against Using ‘Alinsky-Type’ Tactics On GOP Rivals – IOTW Report

Mark Levin Warns Rubio Against Using ‘Alinsky-Type’ Tactics On GOP Rivals

 Breitbart: Radio host Mark Levin has fired a Dec. 8 warning shot at Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) as he escalates his campaign-trail criticism of rival Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX).

rubio ms8

I was among the first national radio hosts to support Marco Rubio in his uphill Republican primary campaign for the Senate against the unprincipled Florida Governor Charlie Crist.  Back then, he ran as an unabashed Tea Party conservative.  I also supported Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) and Ted Cruz, among others, in their campaigns against the entrenched GOP establishment.

But soon after arriving in Washington, Rubio decided to throw in with these politicians – including Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and take an active leadership role in the Gang of Eight fiasco.  As he runs for the Republican presidential nomination, Rubio has attempted to redefine his position on immigration yet again, resulting in his utter incoherence on the subject.  read more

2 Comments on Mark Levin Warns Rubio Against Using ‘Alinsky-Type’ Tactics On GOP Rivals

  1. Man, I loved Levin for years, hardly ever missed a show. He’s obviously for Cruz, which is fine. But he called for us to coalesce around the leader late last year when Jeb! entered the race so the GOPe wouldn’t be able to use the same strategy that got the nomination for Romney and McCain.

    Well Mark, that leader is Trump. He’s now polling nationally in the low 30s and steadily climbing.

    He draws 10s of 1,000s weekly to his rallies. Cruz plays diners and basements.

    He’s the one with the bold proposals-Cruz is doing not much more then echoing them and the one to stop all moslim immigration until we can get a handle on it just shriveled up those tiny coconuts Cruz is carrying around.

    He’s the one self financing-Cruz’s super pacs have raised 10s of millions from just a few wealthy clients.

    So where’s Levin now? Yeah, I noticed that too.

    Trevor Loundon also said the exact same thing and he’s keeping it on the down low too. Hypocrites. Just the other day, one of Jeb!’s super pacs came out and said they were going to attack everyone but Trump-exactly the scenario that Levin warned about yet from Mark? Crickets.

    Of course Trump is a whole ‘nother animal then Newt, Santorum or Cain.

    I’m listening to Rush right now doing some heavy lifting for Trump-wish to hell he would use that megawatt mic and get on the Trump Express.

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