Mark Levin: “you have a massive Democrat scandal here” – IOTW Report

Mark Levin: “you have a massive Democrat scandal here”

Independent Sentinel:

Mark Levin called out Joe Biden masterfully last night on ‘Hannity.’ He said the Biden family is corrupt; Joe Biden obstructed justice in Ukraine; and Biden blackmailed that government to get that prosecutor removed, not just to protect his son but to protect his future run for President.

The legal analyst and talk show host said, “You have a massive Democrat scandal here.” It’s the reason Democrats are thrashing about.

Levin didn’t hold back and went through the timeline succinctly.

11 Comments on Mark Levin: “you have a massive Democrat scandal here”

  1. We’ve heard a barrage of accusations about corruption over the years but what we don’t hear about is justice by way of punishment.
    Half of the equation is always missing.
    We’re lacking any sense of satisfaction.

  2. Did you know? Sources reveal that in 1946, the evil orange Donald Trump performed an unspeakably perverse act on a defenseless woman by forcibly inserting HIS ENTIRE BODY into her vagina? It’s true. Ru Paul, Deniro and Bill Nye say it is an impeachable offense in the Constitution and they’re experts.

  3. ANON
    “Where the hell is AG Barr in all this?” Barr was a Bush AG 30 years ago. The bush Clan were the original UNIPARTY clan! If you did not pay attention 15 years ago; they made their UNIPARTY credentials perfectly clear 2 years ago when all 8 clan folk said “Vote Clinton”!The AG has dual loyalties. Which is why GWB’s men Comey and McCabe are still free!

    Barr is not great but much better than Jeff! America’s roblem is that far too many GOP ”
    leaders” are Dems inGOP cloths. Bush Clan is an example; as are Mitt and Ryan.


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