Mark Levin’s Tremendous Interview With President Donald J. Trump – IOTW Report

Mark Levin’s Tremendous Interview With President Donald J. Trump

Believe me.

President Donald Trump Joined Mark Levin on Friday, October 9th. Listen Here!

12 Comments on Mark Levin’s Tremendous Interview With President Donald J. Trump

  1. Levin was a never Trumper. I was his biggest fan. No more books, no more listening to his evening radio show like I had for years. Exactly like Glenn Beck and Whittle.

    Sorry I have a memory. I recognized DJT as a deal breaker from the start. And I loved Cruz.

    Never saw a mea culpa like I have seen with Schlichter. I listened to this, Levin is good but I remember, right Hugh?

    This President plays the game better than I could even imagine.

  2. @MMinAR, Levin came around for Trump in 2016 when he was the candidate in 2016 and the Trump family has also embraced Levin since then. Providing multiple positive interviews from Trump and Don Jr.

  3. Hate to rain on your parade HarryA but I remember well after Trump announced that Levin was bagging on him. To the point of yikes. I never did hear the mea culpa from Levin either. Got a link for that?

    And for all of you Rush worshipers, he was another one that, despite this “early backing” bullshit was open to all of the candidates being able to express their views.

    I distinctly remember Rush saying, well after Trump had announced, he was going to have all of the candidates on his show to offer their explanations.

    I maybe old but my mind ain’t shot. Yet.

  4. Well MJA, listening to Levin pre Trump support, was like watching Beck roll his face in cheetos.

    How in the world do you step back from that?

    He was viciously anti Trump. And like I said, unlike Kurt who really prostrated himself, I never saw or heard the Levin segment where he came to Jesus.

  5. I don’t know about Hewitt. Haven’t listened to him in a long time. Well technically, I just really never listened to him.
    I would prefer it that the (before) nevertrumpers would have just said, ‘mmm… I dunno…Here’s why I think…” instead of trashing him the way they did.

    MMinAR – Oh I know. I only started to listen to Levin here and there THIS YEAR. He was dead to me, you hear? DEAD since 2016. lol
    What I have been doing is listening to the former NT’s but side-eyeing them. Just in case. 😀

  6. Good Heavens, the mistakes you make by not listening!

    Levin and O’REilly both credited Hannity with bringing them around. Levin has issued a mea culpa to Trump directly. They even joke about it, heard them yukking it up when Trump called into his radio show.

    And by they way, it was about 3 months in.

    Cruz and Levin have connections because of a Cruz staffer related by marriage to Levin family.

    Cruz similarly has gone from being virulently anti-Trump to one of his most eloquent supporters. Both Cruz and Levin have joked with Trump about their initial opposition.

    Rush has ALWAYS refused to endorse a candidate because the media will go after them like piranha.

    HOWEVER, he kept on handing out free advice to Trump on what he COULD do.

    And three times I heard Trump call in and thank Rush for the help.

    Sheesh people. The country is three weeks away from the end or another chance and people are holding grudges about THIS????

  7. No president in the history of the country has paid off on his promises than Donald Trump. NONE.

    What this man has endured – and has prevailed over – is utterly amazing.

    Get over it.

  8. To this day Rush pretends he was on board from the start. I remember much differently. If all concerned want to make nice, that’s fine with me.

    I said I thought the interview with Levin was good.

    Still, not interested. Especially with Beck, who I believe is a nut.

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