Mark Meadows Asks FISA Court Judge To Investigate FBI Applications To Spy On Trump Aide – IOTW Report

Mark Meadows Asks FISA Court Judge To Investigate FBI Applications To Spy On Trump Aide

Daily Caller: The chairman of the House Freedom Caucus is asking a federal judge to investigate whether the process of granting secret surveillance warrants against American citizens was “weaponized for political means” against the Trump campaign.

“As the Presiding Judge of the [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC)], you are privy to information which could potentially verify or contradict our understanding of abuses of the [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA)] process,” North Carolina Rep. Mark Meadows wrote in a letter Monday to Judge Rosemary Collyer. “Ultimately, to protect the integrity of the process, we believe such an investigation is necessary.”

“We write to encourage you to investigate the possibility FISA has recently been weaponized for political means,” added Meadows, a Republican member of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.  read more

5 Comments on Mark Meadows Asks FISA Court Judge To Investigate FBI Applications To Spy On Trump Aide

  1. The drip drip drip of “congressional investigations” and what they’re “asking for from whomever” is about as exciting as waiting by the door for Publishers Clearinghouse to show up with my check.

  2. Yup, that’s what we need, another investigation. Maybe in 20 years someone will actually come out and say laws were broken, and this is who did it. Too bad they are all dead now, otherwise they would be in big trouble.

  3. GREAT letter by Meadows! It is *so* damning of the FBI subterfuge…and Collyer is *exactly* the person to rip into this.

    And, NO, pessimists, she’s NOT “lame-o Congress;” she’s the head of FISC…and has reason to set things right.


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