Mark Meadows: Dr. Birx CNN Interview Was Patently False – IOTW Report

Mark Meadows: Dr. Birx CNN Interview Was Patently False

Gateway Pundit-

Mark Meadows was on with Steve Bannon on the War Room where he shared that Dr. Birx was ‘patently false’ in her CNN interview that aired last night.

Steve Bannon held an interview with Mark Meadows this morning on the War Room.  Meadows shared the following:

Well what we heard from the CNN report last night was rhetoric that we never heard in the West Wing from Deborah Birx or Dr. Fauci…I’m hopeful that some of it was edited and that it was taken out of context.  For Dr. Birx to say that hundreds of thousands of people’s lives would have been saved if we had done things differently, is patently false and not accurate and was never uttered in the White House.



Trump rips Dr. Birx as ‘proven liar’ after CNN interview

Former President Donald Trump fired back at his onetime coronavirus adviser, Dr. Deborah Birx, after she told CNN that the previous administration could have prevented hundreds of thousands of deaths from the coronavirus and that she had a “very uncomfortable” conversation with Trump.

“Dr. Birx is a proven liar with very little credibility left,” Trump said in a statement Monday. more

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