Mark Steyn to Mitt Romney: ‘Look in the mirror, you are the reason for Trump’ – IOTW Report

Mark Steyn to Mitt Romney: ‘Look in the mirror, you are the reason for Trump’

Author and columnist Mark Steyn told “Tucker Carlson Tonight” Thursday that the ironic fact lost in the firestorm surrounding Sen. Mitt Romney’s vote to convict President Trump of abuse of power this week is that Romney is the reason Trump is in the White House. MORE @ Geller Report.

14 Comments on Mark Steyn to Mitt Romney: ‘Look in the mirror, you are the reason for Trump’

  1. Love Steyn. (Except the Christmas album, which was a venal sin. 🕷).
    But he’s spot on with Romney.

    What’s it like floating on a burlap bag of coconuts in the open ocean, willard?
    You’ve officially fucked me three times.
    Feel free to take charge of your miserable life and do the honorable thing. Davy Jones is your friend.

  2. Don’t cheat Mittens out of credit for four more years of Obumbles. He has earned full credit for that, too.

    Oh wait, he only kinda looked good at the time (the same with Ryan), or at least he seemed to be the lesser of two evils. But as we now know with certainty it turns out not much the lesser of two evils. Maybe none at all.

  3. Remember the first 2012 debate, when Mittens accidently made oblabber look like a fool?
    His globalist handlers took him aside the next day and told him to never do that again. He was only there to play the fool and allow obumfuk to win.

  4. I remember staying in Massachusetts (geshundteit) for one extra day to vote for that chunk of linoleum floor tile to vote against Senator Ted Kennedy in 1994.

    Mitt never fails to disappoint.

  5. @PHenry ~ I remember staying as a registered d’RAT just so I could vote against Life Guard Teddy in the 1976 d’RAT primary … voted for Peanut Brain (on the advice of me pappy)

    … look how that worked out!

    P.S. registered as republican after the primaries & voted for Ford in the general …. pappy was a bit miffed … until he registered as a repub in ’80 … welcome to the party, pappy!

  6. But for mcain, obama, romney, clinton and jeb!, there would be no PDJT.

    We owe them.

    Now hang them. (In mccain’s case, just get his carcass out of Arlington Cemetery.)

  7. Mc Shitstain & Shit Romney will push back against Trump but not the lefty media.

    Steyn is 100% dead on. Why didn’t Romney say anything about Coke Hunter Biden and Sniffy Joe?


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