Mark Zuckerberg’s Body Language – IOTW Report

Mark Zuckerberg’s Body Language

Body Language: Mark Zuckerberg “I’m really sorry that this happened”.

12 Comments on Mark Zuckerberg’s Body Language

  1. My gosh, either there is something wrong with me, or the video.

    All I heard from that devil’s mouth is, ‘Bullshit, bullshit, elephant shit, dog shit, more bullshit”. Translate: “I speak only in shit-tongues, and even that’s Bullshit’”

  2. Mark Zuckerburg has a body??

    L. Frank Baum was a clairvoyant genius to have based his classic on Zuck the schmuck.
    Tin Man – no heart
    Scarecrow – no brain
    Cowardly Lyin.

    The guy’s a fraud, who stole an idea, launched a digital pen pal biz, spied and collected the pen pals data, sold it for billions and still lies about it.
    If he had a conscience and soul he’d recognize he’s universally loathed.

  3. Jan 1, 2018 I deleted everything in my FB account. Removed all of my “friends”.
    (seriously,how many of those people have I ever talked to in person), and deactivated it. But I’m sure there’s a picture of mine floating around. Never understood the mentality of people whining about FB “security”. Its like the bumper stickers I see on Semis…”If you don’t like trucks, then stop buying shit”

  4. Hollywood writers and directors have tried for decades to create cyborgs to be really creepy. They failed miserably compared to the real life “human” Zuckerberg.
    The hair on the back of my neck stands up when I see him.
    And I’m old and have seen a lot of creepy people.

  5. I can’t stand when people start off answering a question by using the word “So…” I don’t trust them when they do. It just feels like they are lying to me when they do and I see it all the time on television, especially with younger people. You see a lot of dems doing it, too.


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