Market Flooded with Counterfeit Straws After Blanket Ban in Liberal Cities – IOTW Report

Market Flooded with Counterfeit Straws After Blanket Ban in Liberal Cities

WJ: As bans on plastic straws proliferate, the business of making reusable straws is booming. But one company that wants to sell collapsible steel straws says the competition to market the straws is leading to a flood of counterfeits.

In April, a company called FinalStraw started a Kickstarter campaign to produce a reusable, collapsible, stainless steel straw that consumers could reuse. The company is hoping that its product will appear on Amazon and other shopping sites in November.

As reported by The Independent, the effort was a quick success, surpassing its goal within 24 hours.

Now, other producers are flooding the market, leaving FinalStraw a step behind.

Emma Cohen, the company’s co-founder, complained about what she called counterfeit straws in an interview with BuzzFeed News. The site reported that straws were being sold online using FinalStraw’s promotional images, and that they were selling for about half of the $20 price from FinalStraw.  MORE

30 Comments on Market Flooded with Counterfeit Straws After Blanket Ban in Liberal Cities

  1. I’m waiting for those cities that have these bans to set up border checkpoints to search cars for smuggled in plastic straws. I wonder if individual streets could declare themselves sanctuary streets where people with illegal plastic straws can hide out from the authorities?

  2. Rebrand plastic straws as “polymeric fluid delivery tubing” or something similar and sell them to Californians via the internet. idiots in the CA assembly will be too stupid to catch on for months, after which you change the name again.

  3. $20 for a metal straw that you are supposed to lug around all day in case you want something to drink that may require a straw? Trump’s economy must be doing really well for people to spend this kind of money on a straw.

  4. From Wyatt:”$20 for a metal straw that you are supposed to lug around all day in case you want something to drink that may require a straw? Trump’s economy must be doing really well for people to spend this kind of money on a straw.”

    Heh, the ones from Yeti will cost $65, but it comes with the ‘smug signal’ sticker for the back window on your Prius.

  5. @Wyatt – For a lower-cost option, go to a parking lot where you’re likely to find a high concentration of older cars, say a Walmart. Look for a car with COEXIST or I’M WITH HER bumper stickers, and an old fashioned telescoping steel radio antenna. Break off the antenna, then trim it about five inches above and five inches below a joint, smooth the edges, and voilà! a portable collapsing straw.

    Better run it through the dishwasher before sucking on it, though.

  6. I absolutely guarantee that this straw furor will lead to greater environmental damage. It won’t be specifically measurable of course, so plenty of deniability, but we have already seen actions like Starbucks’ new cup lid. It will lead to more votes for conservatives too, another unintended consequence.
    Also, a reusable straw is extremely difficult to clean well – which is precisely why we use disposable ones!

  7. I bought a box of a couple hundred bubble tea straws at an asian market about twenty years ago. I put about ten in the center console of my vehicles about twice a year. One of the local burger joints has frozen custard shakes that I love, but it is almost impossible to suck them through the straw they supply until they are nearly melted. These baby’s would probably qualify as magnum assault straw sentencing enhancement if the authorities ever caught me with contraband like that

  8. Restaurant owners in California (particularly Santa Barbara) should declare themselves “Straw Sanctuaries” and allow single-use plastic straws “Only in their restaurants.” It’d be fun to see the lawyers trying to argue their way around that one.

  9. Act 1: ban plastic shopping bags for reusable bags.
    Act 2: ban plastic straws for reusable straws.
    Finale: no improvement for the environment and many people sickened reusing things that shouldn’t have been.

  10. I can’t believe Cali…separating children from their straws. Maybe the 9th Circuit will weigh in and make them reunite all children with their straws, wheres the media outrage over this?

  11. A good friend of mine in CA bought 10k plastic straws online from Costco and shipped em to the SB city council. Lets see if they cover it on the baja norte noticero. He paid cash so they cant track him. We should all copy him


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