Marooned in No Man’s Land: A nursing home – IOTW Report

Marooned in No Man’s Land: A nursing home

I cannot explain, by any possible energy of words, what a strange longing or hankering of desires I felt in my sould[.] … O that there had been but one or two; nay, or but one soul sav’d out of this ship, to have escap’d to me, and to have convers’d with!  In all the time of my solitary life, I never felt so earnest, so strong a desire after the society of my fellow-creatures, or so deep a regret at the want of it. -[Robinson Crusoe] 

American Thinker:

Judith Ziegler

I now know what living was like for Robinson Crusoe — not shipwrecked or floundered on some shoal, but a victim of cruel circumstances.  After decades of toil, I retired.  An over 55 retirement community became my destination.  Lovely grounds right out of a storybook.  Activities that would put a cruise ship to shame.  Extensive dining room options. Farm to table.  What could be better?  That is where the good part of the saga ends. 

Because this is an over 55 retirement community, it comes complete with what is called continuing care, home care, assisted living, and what is known as a nursing home.  All the mandates the government imposed on nursing homes fell upon the entire community as well as the retirement management wanting to keep us “safe,” they say.  I can be charitable and say what is being done is in our best interest.  If not, I can say it is a cruel measure being perpetrated upon the voiceless. 

The “shelter in place” notion is no less harmful than the virus itself.  Essentially, everyone is locked down.  Socializing?  Nope.  The cruise has ended.  We are no more than inmates.  Meals being delivered with a knock on the door by a faceless person with a mask and wearing purple gloves that make them unrecognizable.  They drop the package of food — our meals — on the floor.  You see, there can be no human contact.  They scamper away long before one can get to the door. MORE HERE

15 Comments on Marooned in No Man’s Land: A nursing home

  1. Communication Frustration Nation

    Can’t call Pops or NaNa either because they don’t allow incoming due to Nigerian Chinese banking of America telemarketer phone trawlers surfing the elderly for siphonable Banking of America medicare heartburn money fundage.

    Tag Teams Bank’ing of America
    A Decade(s) of Suck
    Moneygrubbing NY bitcoin APP mining Coumo funguses amonguses

  2. Typical statist reaction to orchestrating a plandemic. Death panels have warped into socialist mandates by blue state government officials. God help these poor older Americans held hostage in “nursing home” (prison) facilities.

  3. Wow, my 96 year old mother in law was living in her 3600 multi level home by herself. After several falls and a couple ambulance rides we put her is a Retirement/Nursing home. I call it Club Med.
    She was very lonely. We own a business and seeing her more than once a week was tough. Now she dines with people her age, the have movie nights. Shuttle for shopping. BBQ nights, etc. She loves it. When the Kung Flu hit they locked that place down immediately. It’s still locked down.
    This place provides as much medical attention as is required. Right now she doesn’t need that much. But there’s always some one on staff to handle an emergency.

  4. At 65 early next year, I still maintain the house, equipment and 1/2 acre grounds by myself.
    I’d rather keel over trimming my own fig tree than in some foul, urine-oderous old people’s disembarkation warehouse.

  5. Iron Man, you may be whistling dixie…most of us don’t want to lose
    our independence. I’m waiting for an exoskeleton and a robot servant/ medical assistant.

  6. #Cynic
    Is that the same lemon that Led Zeppelin sang about?

    Squeeze me baby,
    ‘Til the juice runs down my leg, oh
    Please, squeeze me baby,
    Until the juice runs down my leg
    The way you squeeze my lemon
    I’m gonna fall right out of bed, bed, bed, babe yeah

  7. Awful, absolutely AWFUL what is going on for families in this situation.

    @Bad_Brad and @TRF- my 96 year old aunt is in an assisted living facility in da Bronx, but my cousins are blessed and lucky, it is run by the Little Sisters of the Poor. So their quality control speaks to the highest of authority, rules and regs. :>)

    This is the same organization that the Skinny Bully Traitor with A LOT OF POWER went after:

    We all need to go, and look back at what they tried to do to us and never ever forget, evil.

  8. My 99 year old mom is in the “memory unit” of an assisted living facility. At 97 dementia had progressed to where she was beyond her children’s ability to care for her. It was a tough decision. Her long and medium term memory are essentially gone. All things considered it is a decent place. They have set up “Face-time” and “What’s App” video chats for residents to converse with outside family and friends through video, following a schedule the activities director manages. She recognizes faces and voices and we do have meaningful conversation, and it gives some opportunity to assess her condition and health. They have arranged exercise activities within the complex. We haven’t been able to visit since early March. It’s taking it tole on both her and her children. Her 100th birthday is Sept 1. If this isn’t over by then I am breaking her out. My 69 Mach 1 should be back on the road and reliable by then. The trunk is large enough to hold her walker. First stop – the local ice cream parlor for a double scoop of her favorite flavors!


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