The comm-a-nist Bloomberg posted an article today titled Young Americans Are Killing Marriage.

The article says:

In 1980, two-thirds of 25- to 34-year-olds were already married. One in eight had already been married and divorced. In 2015, just two in five millennials were married, and only 7 percent had been divorced.

There’s a simple reason for why marriage is biting the big one in America. Young men have seen the misery divorce has placed upon their dads and don’t want to follow that path. And who can blame them?

Today, AWD had a meeting with a young salesman in my office. He told me he was going to get married in two months. I asked him if he had studied how his fiancee’s mother treated her father? He asked why? I said, a young girl will usually follow in the footsteps of her mother. If the mother is a controlling bee-yotch, the daughter will eventually treat her man the same. Trust me.

I counseled the young man the same I counsel my own sons. If you choose to marry, don’t have children until you are totally sure you can live with this woman until the children are adults. A divorced dad is screwed. Or, ‘FFL’ as AWD has put it. F@@@ed For Life! The divorced dad will be financially screwed until his early or late 50’s. Child support and, in some cases, alimony take any extra income the divorced dad could use to invest in his future. I’m not saying a dad shouldn’t take care of his children but the system is totally slanted to give the mother (no matter how big a disaster zone) custody of the children and up to half of the dad’s income. Even if the Dad had zero culpability for the divorce!  read more


  1. Nice, truthful rant AWD. Today’s hedonistic society that seems to run on narcissism, inventing fake lifestyles and chasing fake friends on social media doesn’t help much with women having their heads screwed on straight (or men either for that matter). And the “education” system rots their young minds and souls as well.

  2. Then there’s the married for 40 years, dumped for a younger model, getting zero alimony, wife.

    But I have my independence. Not asking alimony was MY choice, despite advice from my lawyer and screams of outrage for ‘letting him get away with everything’, from much of the family.

    I personally, chose to not have any more ties to him, than needed. Children grown, so didn’t even have that tie. Never tried to ‘turn’ them. In fact worked extremely hard to help them and their families to just move on. Their dad was always going to be their dad and their relationship should always remain positive.

    What did I gain? I didn’t allow myself to lose ‘me’. I did not become a revengeful (although often very sad) bitch; just stayed my usual regular level bitch. I knew that the weight of bitterness would be hang on me; change me.

    Oh well. There I go, bitching again. Just another side of the story of marriage. But I would never trust a man again. Actually, it’s not that I wouldn’t trust one; it’s MY capability to be loved and cherished enough to enter into a partnership, that I don’t trust.

    Besides, at 73, why bother?

  3. So, the hope for America’s future is 40% of the millennials that are already here are too stupid to live, and all of the geriatric gen-x-ers that run the show want an immigration flood so there will always be someone to wipe their bottoms for less than $15 an hour. If the too-young-to-legally-drink tranche don’t sci-fi up and start hunting geezers for sport (“One a day. Every day.”), best start walking toward Mexico (Canada’s already frozen toast).

  4. I was 24 and my wife was 21 when we were married in 1977. We were both in our 20’s when we had our son was born in 1982 and late 20’s and early 30’s with our 2 daughters. My wife’s parents had 5 kids by their early 30’s and 9 by their mid 30’s, actually 10 one was stillborn unfortunately. And my parents were in their 20’s and 30’s when they had 4 boys. If we could it they certainly could if they wanted to.

  5. It is hard to consider marriage when the ‘youth’ of today don’t consider themselves to be adults (meaning financially independent) until 30+. Another big aspect for lack of marriage is the youth of today don’t even think they are straight. Up to 20% are reporting they are some form of LBGT, gender fluid, and a lot of other conditions I’ve never heard of growing up in the 80s. If you think you might like a man (or be one) one day and a woman the next, marriage is not going to be a natural progression in you life.

  6. @geoff the aardvark April 5, 2017 at 7:02 am

    You used to be able to sip a beer while waiting at a red light, and not worry that your political speechifine’ about corruption in the American government would cause an American servicexan to launch a missile into your home to proudly obey a lawful order. It’s called regime change.

  7. @Mighty Mojo: Good for you for taking the high road. So few people do anymore.

    P.S.: Hey – 73’s not that old these days.

    …Not that I would know personally, of course (koff, koff).


  8. Well, from what I’ve seen with my three grown daughters, young men these days are perpetual adolescents who want zero responsibility from their jobs, wives, children. They expect to be babied and taken care of; hence, the wives may get a little frustrated and naggy. Oh, and also they think their mothers are the goddesses of the universe and must be heeded in all instances. All of these attitudes are bad for marriage, and in spite of this, they still blame everything on the women.

  9. I agree with awd, but still think it also has a lot to do with “why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free”, birth control and abortion.

    womens lib, did it set woman free, or did it set the men free ?

    law of unintended consequences comes to mind.

  10. I agree with awd, but still think it also has a lot to do with “why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free”, birth control and abortion.

    womens lib, did it set woman free, or did it set the men free ?

    law of unintended consequences comes to mind.

  11. @bill: Feminism has set men free. When I was in my 20s, there was a considerable amount of social pressure to marry. Now – not so much. Many feminists claim they don’t need men, and they are finding out that men don’t really need them either. Even most of my age peers who went through divorces chose not to remarry.

    From a male perspective at least, I don’t see putting off marriage as socially irresponsible so much as just preferable. No, these young males don’t normally live at home and sponge off their parents – they move around to different places and establish careers. They pursue their interests, and when they are ready to settle down, they can do so without regrets.

    I have maintained since my college days that feminism has been as much, if not more liberating for men than women. A lot of feminists I know clamour for a career, a spouse and kids, but with the liberation of women the men are free to forego the spouse and kids without incurring social disapproval.

  12. @The-Mamomma April 5, 2017 at 9:29 am

    “they think their mothers are the goddesses of the universe and must be heeded in all instances”

    Because that’s how they’ve been trained by the society they were born in. Muslim children don’t kill puppies and sodomize infidels because they were told those are wrong. “Enlightened” boys are told that women are always right regardless of observable facts, and must be obeyed regardless of observable outcomes. Their mothers just happen to have gotten in line first.

    “young men these days are perpetual adolescents who want zero responsibility from their jobs, wives, children”

    Those are two different issues, albeit with a minor overlap. The societies that “enlightened” boys are raised in give them zero de jure control over “their” wives and children. Disinterest in “responsibility” for what you have no control over is psychologically healthy. In another age it would have been described as wise. When the home team loses, even if you were at the game, even if you cheered them on, do you spend the rest of your week trying to figure out what you can do to make them win next time? Or do you shrug and move on? And, if you’re going to shrug and move on, how hard do you work to be at every game, cheer on every play? As for jobs: many, if not most, are passionate about the work. The same cause that renders them dispassionate about abstract “familial responsibility” has devastated their societies’ economies (with demonstrably deliberate intent, even if you refuse to believe by design). This deliberate devastation has (expectedly) been accompanied by the social respectability of what, in another age, would have been called banditry. To do work that you think worthwhile, while avoiding making yourself a plump target for the proud thieves around you, may not lead you to “be all that you can be”. But it does lessen the time you take away from actual work, bandaging the beating you got for having something your fellow travelers thought worth taking.

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