Martha MacCallum grilled California Rep. Eric Swalwell for sticking by debunked dossier – IOTW Report

Martha MacCallum grilled California Rep. Eric Swalwell for sticking by debunked dossier

DC: Fox News’ Martha MacCallum grilled Democratic California Rep. Eric Swalwell on Tuesday night after he claimed that the Steele dossier was factually sound.

MacCallum began by questioning old statements Swalwell made, in which he claimed to have seen evidence that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia.

“So it doesn’t bother you that the Clinton campaign paid for a dossier to be put together by someone who had all kinds of ties to intelligence and put together something that turned out to be not necessarily factual,” MacCallum asked.

“Which part of it hasn’t been proven factual?” Swalwell responded, to which the show host answered, “Are you serious?”

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