Martha McSally Could Still Represent Arizona In The Senate­ – IOTW Report

Martha McSally Could Still Represent Arizona In The Senate­

TH: […]  Yes, even though she lost, it’s possible that she could represent Arizona in the U.S. Senate. It will take Republican Gov. Doug Ducey, who trounced his Democratic opponent to win another term, to sign off on it, and current Sen. Jon Kyl needs to resign. Kyl was appointed to fill the vacancy left by the late Sen. John McCain. The discussions on this route have already begun, as Kyl has zero interest in returning to public life.  more

21 Comments on Martha McSally Could Still Represent Arizona In The Senate­

  1. Yup, thats just what we need, a happy looser. How about someone interested in putting some fight back in AZ. Try putting someone good in there for a change, you’re already topped off with mushy do-nothings.

  2. Agreed, gin blossom. Need somebody who can provide a counterbalance to the whack-job Sinema, not somebody like McSally, who would end up voting with her sister Senator way too often.

  3. If you are going to take on a bloody fight do it for a conservative. Sure it would have been nice to have a bigger Senate majority but McSally likely would be a Romney, McCain, Flake moderate. She joins Dean Heller – you can’t be against Trump until you need him (and in Heller’s case vote against repealing ObamaCare) and then expect Trump to get you across the line. Two candidates that didn’t deserve his help. And Ducey won by 57%. There was a conservative protest vote not to elect McSally. Time to move on and learn a lesson, moderates don’t win.

  4. gin: Exzackally. McSally was a nod to moderates contra Sinema.

    If you get to pick a winner, get the real deal.

    A real conservative that AZ meth heads will promptly throw out of office at the first opportunity.

  5. No just no. Ducey won with 300k more votes than her. Not sure about Ward. Let Cray Cray Cinema implode and show AZ what a mistake they made (altho she may lay really really low like Al Franken did for 6 years and get re-elected. Let’s hope not). I would like to believe that AZ can come up with a winner. Maybe a well known, well liked business type.

  6. McSally, like Mia Love, kept the Prez at arm’s length and got the same result. I think the body count on the side of the road should give any RINO pause on where they stand on DJT…….2020’s campaign has already begun.

  7. Kellie Ward is a true conservative, but she’s said some really dumb things that will probably put her out of contention. For example, the day after McCain announced his cancer she called for him to resign immediately so Ducey could appoint her in his spot. Even if you couldn’t stand McCain like I did, that’s a pretty bad thing to say and the timing was awful.Too bad, I’d like to see her in the senate.

  8. Az doesn’t need another RINO, even if she wears a tutu. If McSally was what the state wanted then she would have been elected. A proven conservative would be best for all whether its Ward or someone else.

  9. This is WONDERFUL news!
    At least the seat would stay in Republican hands…meaning…

    THE SENATE stays in Republican hands…something that seems to evade too many of the b!tch/moan/whiners here, who are stuck in 2012-mode of #I’mAHelplessEunuchButCanStillWhipUpAButtloadOfSquealing.

    Jesus F*cking H Christ, people, we’re only 2 years into the Trump Administration;
    ya wanna MAYBE give the massive changes some time…AND SUPPORT?!?

    You folks need to know you sound as if American soldiers said, 6 months after Pearl Harbor: “damn it! we haven’t beat those Krauts yet! I give up!”
    So, SUCK. IT. UP.

  10. It may be time for armed Citizens to occupy polling places and seize ballot boxes to stop this Fraud, because President Trump appears not to give a fuck. I don’t see any other way save our country.


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