Martha Stewart: Prison TV Was on ‘BET at All Times,’ – IOTW Report

Martha Stewart: Prison TV Was on ‘BET at All Times,’

MRCTV: Martha Stewart says Netflix’s “Orange is the New Black” pales in comparison to “the real thing.”

In an interview with comedian and talk show host Chelsea Handler, Stewart spoke fondly of her time in women’s federal prison.

“When you live through something like ‘Orange is the New Black’ … the real characters are better,” said Stewart, who served five months behind bars in 2004 to 2005 for insider trading.

She conceded that she does not watch the Netflix series, premiering its fourth season on June 17.

“Too close to home?” Handler asked.  MORE

4 Comments on Martha Stewart: Prison TV Was on ‘BET at All Times,’

  1. she could only watch the stock reports early in the mornings because bet was on all day. Apparently they don’t deliver the Wall Street Journal to that wing of the clubhouse.

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