Marxine Waters pays daughter another $24,000 in campaign cash [adding to $1.2M in previous payments] – IOTW Report

Marxine Waters pays daughter another $24,000 in campaign cash [adding to $1.2M in previous payments]


Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., paid her daughter another $24,000 in campaign cash during the most recent quarter, Federal Election Commission records reviewed by Fox News Digital show. 

Karen Waters, who has been organizing slate-mailing operations to bolster her mother’s re-election for nearly two decades, and her company, Progressive Connections, have received more than $1.2 million since 2003 for campaign services, including “slate mailer management” fees and “campaign managing services.”

A “Citizens for Waters” campaign committee filing from earlier this week shows that the younger Waters received $24,000 from the committee between January and March 2022.

Slate-mailing is an uncommon practice in federal elections, where a consulting firm is hired to create a pamphlet of sorts that contains a list of candidates or policy measures, and advises voters how to cast their ballots.

Rep. Waters was reportedly the only federal politician to use a slate-mailer operation during the 2020 general election. more here

19 Comments on Marxine Waters pays daughter another $24,000 in campaign cash [adding to $1.2M in previous payments]

  1. “A military man can scarcely pride himself on having ‘smitten a sleeping enemy’; it is more a matter of shame, simply, for the one smitten. I would rather you made your appraisal after seeing what the enemy does, since it is certain that, angered and outraged, he will soon launch a determined counterattack.”

    Yamamoto, Jan 9, 1942

    America the shithole, whilst I understand your angst, never fear.

  2. I don’t think they are bluffing. I think they are, at heart, rudderless. Poke at the salient shit is what they do. And they are gutless shitbags. They have no idea what sleeping Giant they have awakened. And filled it with a terrible resolve.

  3. Congresswoman Maxine Waters, Dementiacrat from California. She is the ugly face of low IQ Plantation Dwelling Voters. Her last opponent couldn’t defeat her after he exposed her corruption and looted wealth. She lives in a mansion at the very edge of her Congressional District. When she finally dies, her daughter will probably take her place.

  4. democRATz break the law with impunity. Their majority enables them to say “Whutchoo gonna do bout it?”

    There will be a reconing in November… hopefully with Republicans who have the backbone to prosecute these criminals who have destroyed the nation!

  5. All of this racist Marxist’s power comes from her wig. It’s like the power pack on the Lost in Space robot. If someone grabbed that dead squirrel off her head she’d be powerless.

  6. Name of the game.
    She’s just doing what the others are doing – to a greater or lesser degree.
    Remember Harry Reid?
    The Bidens?
    The Schumers?
    The Kennedys?
    yada, yada, yada …

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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