“Mary Did You Know” – IOTW Report

“Mary Did You Know”

Singing Contractors Perform “Mary Did You Know” | Huckabee

15 Comments on “Mary Did You Know”

  1. …I used to sing this song to a track in my church with great enthusiasm and zero talent right after I was saved.

    …I’m not sure if it proved that my new church family were great Christians for enduring it with smiles and applause, or if they proved they were committing the sin of lying by giving me smiles and applause, but either way I was blessed by it, so maybe the Spirit granted them the ability to hear it through God’s ears instead of their own as a mercy to them and a kindness to me…;)

  2. Mary knew and her cousin Elisabeth knew along with the baby in Elisabeths womb which was John the Baptist. He done a flip when she was standing next to Mary. Gives me goosebumps to think about it!

  3. Tony R
    DECEMBER 9, 2020 AT 12:49 PM
    “Yes, Mary knew. Gabe told her.”

    …but he didn’t tell her EVERYTHING according to Luke.

    One of my favorite lines is “The child that you delivered, will soon deliver you”. Well, Gabe told her Jesus would be the Big Lasagna and Son of God, but the “Reedeemer” thing he only told Joseph alone in the Bible (Matthew 1) and NOT Mary, and you know how wives always think husbands exaggerate…

  4. …Amen, Sister Anklestrap!

    …but my church is used to my joyous noises, I’ve played mini bagpipes badly there as well, its a VERY kindly and long-suffering congregation, my sisters and brothers are…

  5. MJA – thanks for posting this vid, I really enjoyed it. It’s too easy to get all-consumed in the politics of the day and lose sight of the bigger, better, more perfect message.

  6. SNS, years ago, I visited my mom’s church when I was home for a visit. A woman sang along with a track and she may have been your sister. Let’s just say that she did, at times, hit the right note.

    But I was in tears as she continued to sing to her Lord. By the end, the tears were flowing freely. After the service, I told her that God was so pleased with her song, and so was I.

    I believe that her, and your, song pleased God more than the best professional choir ever.


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