Maryland : After fed. judge rules to remove WWI cross memorial, Gov. Larry Hogan vows to fight on – IOTW Report

Maryland : After fed. judge rules to remove WWI cross memorial, Gov. Larry Hogan vows to fight on

BPR: A Republican governor had come out swinging against a court ruling that deemed a sacred 92-year-old WWI monument unconstitutional.

The Bladensburg World War I Veterans Memorial in Bladensburg, Maryland, which has come to be known as the “Peace Cross” became the subject of a lawsuit in 2014.

The Fourth Circuit of Appeals agreed with the godless American Humanist Association that the cross amounts to government support of a particular religion.

The same Christian religion the United States was largely built upon – and why we swear on Bibles before testifying in court.

But, that mattered not to the court that ordered the removal of the 40 foot Peace Cross.

Now, Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan is vowing to fight back.

“This is outrageous,” Hogan wrote of the court’s decision on Facebook.

“Our administration will fight this unacceptable overreach. Enough is enough,” Hogan wrote. “I’m a native Prince Georgian and have passed by this memorial thousands of times. I view it as an incredible tribute to those who came before us and made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.”  MORE

6 Comments on Maryland : After fed. judge rules to remove WWI cross memorial, Gov. Larry Hogan vows to fight on

  1. If this outrage is allowed to stand, what is next? The WW2 memorials? The Korean and Vietnam war memorials? I believe strongly in the principle of separation of Church and State, but this is not about that. This is about dishonoring the past and the ideals that brave men fought for.

    This is about erasing the history of the United States of America, and it must stop now.

    Or else.

  2. What part of our national history and traditions is exempt from the courts, atheists, progressives, islamists, oppressed football players and every other butt hurt constituency?

    It’s open season on nationalism, patriotism and those who sacrificed their lives and fortunes for the freedoms we enjoy.

  3. Well. This coming from Maryland? What a surprise!
    Simple solution……have the state deed or sell the land under the cross, if not the entire cemetery, to a private or religious group, for a nominal fee ($1), plus an agreement to upkeep both the cemetery and the cross. Then the atheists can bitch and moan all they want, but since the cross is now on private land, all they have is bupkiss.

    See how easy that is? And it could possibly be done by Gubernatorial executive order instead of through the legislature.

    Why do I have to do all the heavy thinking around here?

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