Maryland Conservatives Send a Strong Message of Rejection to ‘Electable’ Candidates Pimped by the Establishment – IOTW Report

Maryland Conservatives Send a Strong Message of Rejection to ‘Electable’ Candidates Pimped by the Establishment

Red State: Tuesday, Maryland held its primary election. My wife and I were in line at 7 a.m. to cast our votes as residents of Maryland’s 6th Congressional district. Most of the votes we cast were symbolic. Maryland is not going to elect a Republican senator. The odds of a Republican being elected governor are slim. Some will point to Larry Hogan and say it can be done. For my money, the Maryland GOP would not have been worse off under an openly Democrat governor than a crypto-Democrat like Hogan. For us, the big votes on the ballot were for sheriff and county commissioners.

That said, I think there was a useful takeaway from yesterday’s voting. That lesson is the GOP and conservative electorate in Maryland have changed. It is more combative and less interested in the go-along-get-along happy-loser philosophy that has characterized it for the nearly two decades I’ve lived here. more

4 Comments on Maryland Conservatives Send a Strong Message of Rejection to ‘Electable’ Candidates Pimped by the Establishment

  1. For those with short memories. Electables leftist GOP jammed down our throats: ’92 GHWB, ’96 Dole, ’08 Johnny, ’12 Mitt.

    to be fair: GWB both ’00 and ’04.

    To “our bettors” any conservative hater is “electable”. BTW LIBS LIE! “Our bettors: are liberals; so they lie!

  2. “The Democrats gerrymandered a safe Republican seat into a D+16 monstrosity by bringing in a chunk of Montgomery County.”

    That can’t be true. We are constantly told that only republicans gerrymander.

  3. The democrat gerrymandering had me in three congressional districts over the course of one year. They kept moving and fine-tuning the lines until they figured out what best suited them. Look at a Maryland congressional district map. Ridiculous.

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