Maryland Drivers Protest State’s ChinaVirus Lockdown – IOTW Report

Maryland Drivers Protest State’s ChinaVirus Lockdown

Yahoo: Drivers in Annapolis, Maryland honked their horns on April 18 in protest of the state’s coronavirus-related lockdown measures, a video shows.

9 Comments on Maryland Drivers Protest State’s ChinaVirus Lockdown

  1. A couple of weeks ago I pointed to this weekend as the time when the tide would turn, when people – particularly those who lost their income – would say enough is enough, it’s time to resume business. And we have seen a rapid change over the past few days, governments laying out a phased-in path to reactivation while in a very few locations actually opening parks and businesses. And a swing of sentiment too – a lot of people saying now is the time.
    I think this weekend marks the time when the graph of those saying we need to continue the quarantine crosses the graph of those saying it is time to resume business – the former on its way down and the latter on its way up. I think by next weekend there will be mutiny in places that haven’t opened, or at least begun a phase of reopening.
    And I think in 2-3 weeks all those quarantine advocates will be gaslighting us and insisting that they wanted everything to open up a month ago. It’s how they think and operate.

  2. @LCD –
    “…And I think in 2-3 weeks all those quarantine advocates will be gaslighting us and insisting that they wanted everything to open up a month ago. It’s how they think and operate…”

    I agree with all you said, except that I would qualify the above statement.

    When we re-open the economy, which will be too soon for the “hate American working middle class-ers”, they will hope and pray for a second wave of infection so they can say “I told you so”. Nothing is more important to them than proving themselves to be correct – even if they have to lie, cheat or steal to do so. And, I wouldn’t put it past them to somehow facilitate the second wave, just to prove themselves correct.

    Only if that doesn’t happen, will they distort reality and claim that they’ve wanted the recovery all along. They are insidiously evil people.

  3. Extending the lock down period also carries its own health and mortality risk. At some point a crossing point will be reached when other stress related deaths will increase above covid-19 related deaths. I heard Dr Carson mention this on FNC a few days ago, but I don’t recall the exact numbers he stated for number of suicides for each 1% increase in unemployment. Numerous studies can be found online.

    “It is vitally important, literally life and death, that the proper costs and benefits are weighed with the decision on how much and how long to shut down economic activity through the pandemic.

    As the coronavirus pandemic continues across the world, leaders and policymakers have scrambled to respond to the growing health crisis. In the United States, multiple state governors have issued statements urging their citizens to follow social distancing guidelines.

    Other governors have taken more extreme measures, issuing orders to effectively lock down entire state economies…….

    Getting the cost right is not simply a matter of valuing “profits over people,” as the social media memes may suggest.
    Rather, even in times of crisis, the ability to operate in a functioning economy is important for the people within it.

    The economy is the people, and the people are the economy. The ability to continue to function in a market system does matter to individuals within the system, particularly when the ability of business to remain open and continue to employ them is in question.”

    “We have already started to see some of these human effects as the unemployment has quickly rocketed beyond even the early initial projections.
    A rise in unemployment is correlated with a number of negative socio-economic effects. For some, these effects can be quite deadly, particularly when the changes are rapid, as is currently the case.” .

    “The link between unemployment rates and suicide is a very important measure of the impact of the economic crisis. However, behind these statistics lie personal and family tragedies, the long-term impact of which is difficult to measure.” .

    —- .

    ““Economic growth is the single most important factor relating to length of life,” said principal investigator M. Harvey Brenner, visiting professor in the Global Health Division of the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health at Yale School of Medicine. Brenner is also professor of health policy and management at Johns Hopkins University and senior professor of epidemiology at Berlin University of Technology.”

  4. won’t mean a thing to Lock-down Larry & his merry band of Demwit ‘National Socialists’ … aka: Nazis

    had a huge 2nd Amendment rally at the State House a few years back to try to keep them from banning ‘large capacity clips’ & ‘black guns’ … didn’t do squat

    only good thing about the Flu d’état is that it’s bumping off a disproportionate number of lib city dwellers … although I’m sure the D’rats are processing their mail-in votes from the cemeteries as we speak

  5. I never stopped working – the roads are twice as busy as they were last week, I may need to start using the express lanes again soon.

    Make of that what you want, but it looks to me people are getting fed up and are moving on with life.


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