Masked Anti-Israel Protesters Take Over NYC Subway Car and Demand Jews Identify Themselves: ‘This is Your Chance to Get Out’ – IOTW Report

Masked Anti-Israel Protesters Take Over NYC Subway Car and Demand Jews Identify Themselves: ‘This is Your Chance to Get Out’

GP: On Monday, a group of masked anti-Israel leaving a protest outside an exhibit honoring Oct. 7 victims took over a New York City subway car and demanded Jews identify themselves.

The Nova Exhibition is a powerful and moving tribute to the lives lost at the hands of Hamas terrorists as they stormed the peaceful musical festival to murder, rape, and kidnap the young people attending the event.

As the Hamas-supporter left the protest and entered an NYC subway car, they told any “Zionists” on the train to raise their hands before warning them, “This is your chance to get out.”

The group also carried a banner that read, “Long live October 7.” more

18 Comments on Masked Anti-Israel Protesters Take Over NYC Subway Car and Demand Jews Identify Themselves: ‘This is Your Chance to Get Out’

  1. I’m starting to think the World Health Org and the WEF are right. Half the population of the world needs to be wiped off the face of the earth. We’ll do the choosing.

  2. The masked cowards should be heading for a FAFO lesson. There are some neighborhood patrols showing up in parts of NYC because of lack of policing and influx of dreamers, and the Jews would be well within their rights to engage. Rip off a couple of masks and the soy boys would scatter.

  3. at the link there is a very sun tanned supremacist yelling something about Hitler

    The terrorists on the train are adolescents

    The demonstrators didn’t look to be flying any rainbows which wounded a lot of the progressives, homos, alphabet people watching from home. Not honoring Pride Month is a hate crime I heard.

  4. They need to be dealt with like Nazi SS troops were dealt with. I’ve read many books with accounts of SS troops being marched into the woods and then had to be shot as they tried to escape.

  5. WTF is this bullshit about “radical liberalism?”
    These fucking people are nihilistic totalitarians – there is absolutely nothing “liberal” about them or their philosophy.

    They don’t believe in socialism, communism, nazism, democracy, or any philosophy other than godlessness, hatred, contempt, death, and the destruction of everything sane and beautiful (Western civilization, for instance) – in a word: Satanism (“Save what is in destroying, other joy To me is lost.” Lucifer, “Paradise Lost”, Milton).

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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