Masks: Scientists Find Putting Pantyhose on Your Head Creates a Better Seal – IOTW Report

Masks: Scientists Find Putting Pantyhose on Your Head Creates a Better Seal

Gateway Pundit: Make. It. Stop.

Scientists are now saying putting pantyhose on your head makes masks safer.

A ‘peer-reviewed’ study from researchers at the University of Cambridge tested different mask ‘hacks’ to find the best way to create a good seal around the face.

The researchers taped the edges of the mask to the face, filled the sides of the mask with gauze, used a ‘mummy method’ with gauze, put a knot in the ear loops, used rubber bands around the front and wrapped pantyhose around the head.

Their findings were released in PLoS One this week and the pantyhose hack won.

“The pantyhose caused high levels of discomfort as well as issues speaking and occasional obstruction of the eyes,” the researchers wrote. more

41 Comments on Masks: Scientists Find Putting Pantyhose on Your Head Creates a Better Seal

  1. Sounds like a dream come true for your average thief/robber/carjacker/et-al. Now nobody can question you wearing hose over your head during your normal(?) daily activities…

  2. I propose a study that could even provide more protection. But it has to be large to be certain.

    I think we need 100,000 mask lovers to sign up to have a plastic bag taped tightly over their head to their neck to determine if it reduces the spread of virus. The bag must be on for at least 8 hours, a normal working day.

    If it works, I think it should be promoted far and wide for the people that think I should be wearing a mask to protect them.

  3. If I’m going to wrap lingerie around my ears I prefer stockings, with thighs in them, for it’s own sake and what it leads to later.

    If I’m going to wrap silk around my head, we may as well both enjoy it…

  4. See below, and keep in mind that these are professional healthcare people who know how to put them on. And all of the posts are from Spring 2020. Recent study showed that if N95 are properly sealed, as those in this post were, the masks are somewhere around 50% effective, but N95 only 3% effective when worn loosely. And of course cloth masks have always been garbage, even though that’s all I have ever worn or been required to wear.

    Also, covid is over. No need for anyone to wear useless masks.

  5. I wore my 3M painters mask with the 2 round screw on filters when this Wuhan nonsense first started. I’d get lots of compliments like “whoa ain’t nothing getting past that thing!!” lol …one time I was in a Super Walmart and some gal saw me and thought I was a crazy shoe ter or something – as she ran away I followed her 🙂

  6. The Highly edjumucated…

    I had a doctor ask me what I though about a great Idea he had:

    He asked me what I thought about the Idea of collecting Pure Mountain air in Tanks, installing the tanks in peoples homes and slowly bleeding the air into the primary duct air stream. He then wanted to re-sell them refills, “like water”, he said.

    I could not believe how stupid he was.
    I told him air was 78% nitrogen, the tanks fall under pressure vessels act & medical gas codes so you need serious licensing, the compressors would make the “air” smell like oil & rubber and what the fuck is the point if you can already buy OXYGEN or an Oxygen generator.

    The point. I never believed a cheap mask would stop a virus and any scientist should know that.

  7. Kcir – Now I’m Unacceptable!
    FEBRUARY 4, 2022 AT 9:57 PM

    …people don’t seem to understand the differences between medical and industrial gases or what people breathe in different situations and why, very true, but my favorite is that journalists reporting on structure fires will show a crew in SCBA and report it as “wearing oxygen tanks”.

    While wearing tanks of pure oxygen into a fire would certainly make it more dramatic, it would also be quite a hassle for turnout manufacturers to come up with a fire rating for oxygen saturated clothing that would DEFINITELY give the media a MUCH more interesting story, what with firefighters doing full-body burns as they run out of the building in oxygenated flaming glory…

  8. Kcir – Now I’m Unacceptable!
    FEBRUARY 4, 2022 AT 9:59 PM
    “If women can fart through pantyhose…”

    …shh! Don’t give them any ideas for yet ANOTHER deviant taxpayer-funded study…

  9. why am I getting a picture of Brad walking around w/ his wife’s pantyhose on his head & her hanging upside down w/ her feet in the air, dangling off his back?

    PUT DOWN THE TEQUILA!!! … said the voices

  10. I read that some millennial had discovered the doorframe yardsticks on convenience stores and was breathlessly informing other millennials on social media that this was used to identify the height of armed robbers. They’re going to be shocked to find out what armed robbers do with pantyhose. Or maybe they’ve watched enough Quentin Tarantino to know.

    It really is time to move away from the cities.

  11. Anonymous
    FEBRUARY 5, 2022 AT 12:13 PM
    “This is what happens when “peer reviewed” sources are less honest than PornHub.”

    …I think the peer reviews may be getting done BY PornHub.

    This ridiculous little scrap of paper was never better than a medical fetish to BEGIN with, adding pantyhose just makes it moreso, I’m surprised they didn’t stipulate “Used” while they were at it, but maybe that’s NEXT month’s study…

  12. Kcir – Now I’m Unacceptable!
    FEBRUARY 5, 2022 AT 8:41 AM

    Kcir – Now I’m Unacceptable!
    FEBRUARY 5, 2022 AT 8:41 AM

    See, I knew you understand the technical issues with Med Gas, tanks in residences, & contamination etc.

    Cheers (with a Coffee)”

    It was my fate do do both welding on exhaust AND patient care where medical gases were not used sparingly, as well as stocking both, so the subject was kind of unavoidable for me.

    Cheers to you, with a Mountain Dew.

    My go-to waker upper.

    Gross, but effective…


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