Mass Demonstrations in Iran – IOTW Report

Mass Demonstrations in Iran

American Thinker:
Hamid Enayat

Iran’s nationwide uprising entered its 163rd day on Saturday in different parts of the country against the mullahs’ brutal dictatorship.

The Iranian opposition MEK has published the names of 17 more martyrs of the February 25 nationwide uprising. So far, the names of 664 martyrs have been published.

 Mass demonstrations in Baluchistan

On Friday, February 24, the 162nd day of the nationwide uprising, the brave people of Zahedan held demonstrations after Friday prayers for the 21st week after the Zahedan Bloody Friday. The demonstrations took place despite the unannounced imposition of martial law, deployment of snipers, siege of the Makki mosque and widespread arrests.

They chanted: “Death to the clerical rule of aggression and crimes,” “I promise the blood of our comrades, we will stand till the end,” “Basiji, IRGC, are the same as ISIS,” and “I will kill the one who killed my brother.”

The demonstrators carried placards that read “Death to the oppressor, be it the Shah or the Leader (Khamenei)”, “Neither monarchy nor leadership (Khamenei)”, “We are a nation that has not bowed to any dictator” and “They thought they had killed Mahsa, Nika and Khodanour, not knowing that they were the seeds of the revolution.”

Repressive forces equipped with heavy weapons and snipers were stationed on the heights around the Makki Mosque, and IRGC plainclothes forces attempted to enter the Makki Mosque through the roof but were blocked by the mosque guards. more

7 Comments on Mass Demonstrations in Iran

  1. I may be alone in this, but I find it strange that the Iranians seem to only have uprisings when a leftist holds the Presidency in the US.
    I don’t know what a non globalist could do to help but I think it would more help that the Iranians are getting now.

  2. Obama tried to overthrow Iran’s government and now is trying to again through his surrogate, Biden. Iran opposes the WEF and has hooked up with China and Russia, so it has to be taken over, as happened in Ukraine in 2014. I don’t like Iran, but I don’t like the idea of who they might want to put in place there either.

  3. If you’re not ready to die for it, put the word ‘freedom’ out of your vocabulary. Malcolm X

    Many Iranians are dying for the sake of Freedom at the hands of an oppressive, fanatical, religious regime.

    Pray for those who desire freedom.

  4. If it hadn’t been for Mr. Peanut being so all fired ticked off at the Shah of Iran in 1978 for human rights violations and deposing him from power and bringing in the Ayatollah Khomenei to replace the Shah thus starting the Islamic revolutionary rule by the evil Mullahs, we wouldn’t be in this mess. Every time we replace one bad guy with another with the CIA’s help we end up with a worse bad guy. Thanks for nothing but misery Jimma.


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