Mass Transit, The Pandemic Petri Dish The Left Loves – IOTW Report

Mass Transit, The Pandemic Petri Dish The Left Loves

Issues & Insights: For decades and decades, politicians who propose and promote big government have done all they could to wean Americans off the convenience and freedom of cars and pack them like sardines into subways and buses, so they may travel to and from work in communal harmony. As George Will has written, “the real reason for progressives’ passion for trains is their goal of diminishing Americans’ individualism in order to make them more amenable to collectivism.”

Will added, “Automobiles encourage people to think they – unsupervised, untutored, and unscripted – are masters of their fates. The automobile encourages people in delusions of adequacy, which make them resistant to government by experts who know what choices people should make.” KEEP READING

7 Comments on Mass Transit, The Pandemic Petri Dish The Left Loves

  1. I’ve been wondering why the bus and subway systems haven’t been shut down in cities with mandatory, or even voluntary, public place closures.

    Buses and subway cars would seem to be the highest form and most likely way of spreading the disease over wide areas and many people.

    But I’m not an expert on political diseases and their spread, so what do I know?

  2. And for the hoidy toidy libs who can’t stand the bottom of the barrel of their own creations, they love their self driving cars linked in the same collectivism, just out of touch from the unwashed masses.

  3. …one of the biggest problems the busy communist dictator has is making the pieces stay where they’re put. A WALKING population is the easiest to control which is why the focus on “Downtown Living”, but the next best is a population that can ONLY go where YOU say it can go, only go there when YOU say it can, and MUST return when YOU say it must, AND that you can cut OFF at a whim.

    This is what Mass Transit is. If anyone wants to have anything from a living to a good time, they have to do it when and where YOU say, and PAY you for it besides! Plus, you can force them to admire messages about how great Government is as long as they’re captive in your rolling bad neighborhood anyway, so why not?

    …if it pushes the peasants together to where they catch each others’ coughs, so be it. It’s not like you don’t consider them completely interchangeable or not easily replaced, and you’ve got TONS of immigrants that are ALREADY conditioned to Communism to replace them with ANYWAY, so tough toodles, they can use your crematoria for the corpses, for a fee of course…

    …so, mass transit;
    -controls where they go.
    -controls when they go.
    -controls how long they can stay.
    -can be cut off at any time, from any one.
    -gives you a captive audience for propaganda.
    -gives you a venue for subtle population control.
    -and a bonus if there’s crime as you can use it as an excuse to disarm everybody, and it also gets rid of some of your unwanted population.

    …so, given that YOU, the Communist MASTER, will NEVER set foot in these rail-mounted tombs, there’s really no DOWN side, for YOU…


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