Massachusetts AG’s Attempt to Block Gun-Rights Suit Fails – IOTW Report

Massachusetts AG’s Attempt to Block Gun-Rights Suit Fails

WFB: On Friday, a federal judge denied Massachusetts attorney general Maura Healey’s (D.) request that a suit filed against her decision to unilaterally redefine “assault weapons” be stayed.

Healey had requested the stay because she believes a parallel case against her 2016 decision to expand the definition of banned “assault weapons” should be decided first. U.S. District Court judge Timothy Hillman ruled the federal case deals with factors beyond those at hand in the state case. “The Enforcement Notice warrants constitutional review for vagueness without reaching the state law issue,” he wrote in his ruling.

Healey announced on July 20, 2016, that she would be reinterpreting the state’s decades-old “assault weapons” ban to expand what are termed “copycat” gun designs. At the time she accused the gun industry of using such designs to circumvent the ban.

“The gun industry has openly defied our laws here in Massachusetts for nearly two decades,” said Healey. “That ends today. We have a moral and legal responsibility to ensure that combat-style weapons are off our streets and out of the hands of those who would use them to kill innocent people.”

Healey’s announcement included a test to determine if a gun meets the new “copycat” definition.

“A weapon is a copy or duplicate if its internal operating system is essentially the same as those of a specifically-banned weapon or if the gun has key functional components that are interchangeable with those of a banned weapon,” Healey’s announcement said.

The gun community criticized the new standard as vague, a violation of state rulemaking laws, and unconstitutional.  more here

8 Comments on Massachusetts AG’s Attempt to Block Gun-Rights Suit Fails

  1. Fook this scrunt! Same old tired bullshiite. The disarmament crowd will not stop until they are hung for treason! I say keep a list.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  2. In other gun news, cuckservative darling Graham 2.0 is teaming up with DaNang Dick Blumenthal in yet another attempt to further restrict your 2A rights and ultimately confiscate weapons. keep telling yourselves how awesome Graham 2.0 is. The Kavanaugh hearings are over, back to being a RINO hack and BFF of the left.

  3. Constitutionally, at what point in response to this sort of assault on the Constitution, would it be appropriate to have a few million armed citizens show up in DC to help legislators focus their attention on sacred individual liberties? Asking for a friend

  4. MA is about the most screwed-up state in the union as far as tax liabilities and government oppression, which I find interesting since the American Revolution pretty much started there. The guy who said “Power corrupts…” knew what he was talking about.

  5. I’ve been a resident of the “People’s Republic” of Massachusetts for 67 years (my entire life) and the state government is corrupt beyond anyone’s wildest imagination. They’re just smarter than the other goof ball states in keeping it on the down low. Just look at the stellar policitians we’ve sent to congress: Teddy K, Grannie Warren, Mr. Frosty Markey (before politics his actual job was an ice cream truck driver), Barney Fwank and myriad other dopes.


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