Massachusetts: Chilly Wind Blowing For Gov. Charlie Baker (“R”) – IOTW Report

Massachusetts: Chilly Wind Blowing For Gov. Charlie Baker (“R”)

Howie Carr: History may be repeating itself, with an ironic twist.

In 2014, Charlie Baker barely won the governorship, by 40,000 votes, riding in on the coattails of a statewide referendum that repealed a despised gasoline tax increase.

Now, if he runs for a third term next year, Charlie will again be leading a crusade on an even more unpopular gasoline tax increase.

But there’s one big difference between 2014 and 2022.

Next year, Charlie would be cheerleading not against, but for jacking up the gasoline tax per gallon from 24 cents to, according to one Tufts University study, perhaps as high as 62 cents a gallon.

As a driver, what would you prefer to pay in state taxes — 24 cents a gallon, or Charlie Baker’s dream, 62 cents per gallon?

If Baker runs, you will have a choice, at least in the GOP primary. The incumbent 62-cents-a-gallon-tax governor, or ex-Rep. Geoff Diehl, who doesn’t even like 24 cents a gallon.

Which side are you on? Which side will your wallet be on?

Earlier this week Attorney General Maura Healey certified 16 referendum questions for next year’s statewide ballot, including one on what Parker and his climate-change dead-enders call the Transportation and Climate Initiative. more here

7 Comments on Massachusetts: Chilly Wind Blowing For Gov. Charlie Baker (“R”)

  1. Why do people suffer these clowns as their leaders?

    Probably because it is all scripted and controlled years in advance.

    Think: Reagan may have been the last President elected by the people (although Trump snuck by because enough people had a sense of humor). Clearly Bush 41, Clinton 42, Bush 43, Obama 44, H. Clinton (oops Trump) 45, and now Biden (reparations) 46, and then Harris 47 (it’s all over both the ascension of anti-Christ.)

    We ain’t going back. Toothpaste can’t go back into the tube and Corn pop can’t be unpoped.

    The David and evil are in control until the alien star people come to save humanity and makes us like gods.

    Don’t believe me? How many people today believe in little et but don’t believe in God?

    I didn’t think so! Humanity has lost and our only hope is in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Know that he died for you so that you may have life abundantly and eternally.


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