Massachusetts college student asked to remove anti-Nazi sign over ‘issues of inclusion – IOTW Report

Massachusetts college student asked to remove anti-Nazi sign over ‘issues of inclusion

Geller Report:

Yes, because Nazism is a left-wing ideology. As for inclusion, tell it to my colleagues and me — who are banned from college campuses. This is life under boot of the left.

Massachusetts college student asked to remove anti-Nazi sign over ‘issues of inclusion

By Emily Birnbaum, The Hill, December 23, 2018:

Administrators at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst asked a student to take down a sign that said “f— Nazis” over “issues of inclusion,” according to a BuzzFeed News report.

Nicole Parsons told the news website on Sunday that she put up the sign in her dorm window after someone drew a swastika on a “Happy Hannukah” sign earlier this month.

“F— Nazis,” the sign read. “You are not welcome here.”

Her resident director a week later sent Parsons an email asking her to remove the sign, which said that the sign had created “mixed emotions in the community on how to proceed, issues of inclusion, and the ability to be active members of their community.”

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9 Comments on Massachusetts college student asked to remove anti-Nazi sign over ‘issues of inclusion

  1. The school did the correct thing, and should be applauded! Their complaint wasn’t about offending Nazis, it was about the flaunting of obscenity and it’s great the school took a stand. As the school was quoted in the article, “we are sensitive to the use of profanity, which some could find inappropriate”.

  2. Progressive periodical literature and pamphlets they printed in the late 1920’s and through 1930’s themselves documents that the left has always had a strong devotion to and a natural affinity for Nazism. Fact is Nazi Germany was the Utopian stateists wet dream.

  3. I strongly recommend Dinesh D’Souza’s lectures (available on youtube), books and films on the subject of fascism. Invented first by Mussolini, then taken up by Hitler’s National Socialist party, it was a modification of Marxism, it’s a leftist — not right-wing — ideology.

    (Dinesh also has some great youtubes that out the Democrat party as the party of slavery and racism, exonerating the Republican party, and explaining how and why the propaganda 180 degrees contrary to reality came to be nearly universally viewed as fact.)

  4. A judge once ruled the fans at an OSU vs. MU game in the late ’60s that held a sign that read “Fuck Michigan” was OK because it’s impossible to screw an entire state. Same philosophy here. Can’t screw a political belief.


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