Massachusetts: Democrat Mayor Keeps Getting Arrested – IOTW Report

Massachusetts: Democrat Mayor Keeps Getting Arrested

The FBI said Fall River Mayor Jasiel Correia, 27, extorted hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes from marijuana companies.


FALL RIVER, MA — The youngest mayor in Fall River history may also be the naughtiest. Jasiel Correia was arrested Friday, the second time in less than a year the defiant 27-year-old was taken from his home by federal authorities. Correia, already facing federal fraud and tax charges, is now accused of extorting marijuana vendors for cash, according to U.S. Attorney Andrew Lelling.

Correia is now facing 22 counts on various charges, including nine new ones he pleaded not guilty to Friday afternoon in U.S. District Court in Boston. He soon after told the media he would not resign, saying he will “continue to do great things” for the historic mill city in Southeastern Massachusetts. read more

h/t Susan.

18 Comments on Massachusetts: Democrat Mayor Keeps Getting Arrested

  1. wow. just wow. How corrupt does a democrat have to be for the government to actually arrest him?. This guy must be terribly blatant in his looting of the economy.

    One of these days, one of these evil democrats will do something so obviously corrupt that they’ll actually have be charged!! And maybe even convicted!!!!

    …well, maybe not.

  2. …call me when they start arresting them for treason, or if they even pay for any of their LESSER crimes like obstruction, perjury, theft in office, tax evasion, racketeering, etc., etc., etc., usw…

  3. Antidote SEPTEMBER 7, 2019 AT 10:28 AM
    “Won his recall election. Shouldn’t his moronic constituency share the blame?”

    …not necessarily. I’m sure that between gerrymandering, race-shaming, illegal invader voting, and just plain ol’ Democrat cheating, they weren’t really concerned with boring stuff like actually counting votes, anyway, since they had pre-decided how much he would win by prior to the actual recall…

  4. @ Cliche Guevara, did you expect anything less from the state that gave us the criminal Kennedy clan, Liz Warren, Mike Dukakis, Barney Frank, Gerry Studds, Bill Weld and the Bulgers? I left out Albert DeSalvo just to be fair.

  5. No pity for the woman who had to kick back half of her paychecks to him. I did a little more research on this case and read that she was his chief of staff. She not only agreed to this scheme, but was also charged as a co-conspirator. Seems the other three who were charged were also friends of his.

  6. Hey, Left Coast Dan, the D word is assumed in MA (except maybe the Berkshires). The Rs in MA are almost as moribund as those here in VT. I left MA in ’68 and now VT has become MA-lite if not worse. We have Bernie after-all!


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