Massachusetts mandates flu vaccination for most students – IOTW Report

Massachusetts mandates flu vaccination for most students

Students will be expected to have received a flu vaccine by December 31, 2020 for the 2020-2021 influenza season, unless either a medical or religious exemption is provided,” the Department of Public Health said.

16 Comments on Massachusetts mandates flu vaccination for most students

  1. I hope someone challenges the ‘mandatory’ part.
    If they don’t, this will be mandated to the entire state within a very short time. ‘Well if your kids can do it, why can’t ewe?”

    Look, I’m not telling anyone not to get a flu shot. I’m just saying offer, don’t force. I’m type 1 diabetic and cannot, I repeat, cannot medically tolerate flu vaccines. # sand.

  2. The school doesn’t care about the students, they just pay the bills. With the faculty, the vaccine will be optional. Student guinea pigs yes, faculty guinea pigs no.

  3. Just wait until the regular flu season starts back up with all the stupid, mask-wearing dumbbells thinking they’re gonna die! The level of panic in the country will probably set records.

  4. Jimmy,

    I agree 100% and was just saying the same thing this morning.

    My concern is (and I’m not obsessed with this…yet) in May, Trump made several references to the military being ready to aggressively disperse this corona virus ‘vaccine’ when it becomes available. These comments set off a red flag for me, but have heard nothing about the military being involved lately (I have had a lot going on, so maybe just missed it).

  5. The next flu season will “not have a cough in a carload”.
    Consider that the usual flu vectors for seasonal spread
    have been tremendously restricted by the required Whuflu precautions. Most schools have no students in classes to catch and spread it. Likewise with anyone who tries to go
    to work with any fever, coughing or sneezing. Masks are worn to limit airborne droplets, hands are washed several
    times a day and many now keep their hands away from their
    faces, nose, eyes and mouth. With those prophylactic measures nearly universally in place, how can it travel?

  6. “Massachusetts mandates flu vaccination for most students”

    Which will soon be expanded to ALL residents.

    Libs are continuously and aggressively pushing for a revolution.

    Hey libs… careful what you wish for.


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