Massachusetts mayor candidate’s campaign accused of voter fraud, allegedly paid residents for votes – IOTW Report

Massachusetts mayor candidate’s campaign accused of voter fraud, allegedly paid residents for votes

JTN: The election campaign for a Massachusetts mayoral candidate is facing allegations of bribing residents to vote.

Election officials for the city of Springfield say they witnessed voters being brought to the city hall for early voting and that at least some expected cash after they voted for Democrat candidate Justin Hurst, according to local news outlet The Republican.

Video footage has also been released of a man associated with Hurst’s campaign allegedly handing cash to voters last weekend. 

City officials claim in sworn affidavits the distribution of $10 bills, clearly visible in the building’s surveillance footage, represents voter fraud, the news outlet also reports. more

6 Comments on Massachusetts mayor candidate’s campaign accused of voter fraud, allegedly paid residents for votes

  1. this is silly, why don’t we up this a notch and take a look at corporations paying legislators to pass bills favorable to their industry.
    Let’s face it: if prostitution is the oldest business in the world, we all know what the second oldest business is: we just don’t call them prostitutes.
    Could someone please tell me the difference between a prostitute, a legislator, and a ward heeler.

  2. Yeah but what did Homer Simpson get out of it? They always had a mayor that was a little shady.

    Maybe Apu could run instead or Mr. Burns?

    Oh not that Springfield? Sorry, never mind.

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