Massachusetts middle school students stage protest over pride event, destroy rainbow decorations – IOTW Report

Massachusetts middle school students stage protest over pride event, destroy rainbow decorations


Students at a Massachusetts middle school staged a protest against the school’s pride month celebrations during which they tore down rainbow-themed decorations and reportedly chanted, “USA are my pronouns.”

The Marshall Simonds Middle School in Burlington had intended to host a pride celebration on June 2, but numerous students felt obligated to participate after being asked to wear rainbow clothing, according to the Daily Mail. They further indicated they were offended by a poster that included a quote from author Tennessee Williams seemingly implying that humans are not naturally heterosexual. more

14 Comments on Massachusetts middle school students stage protest over pride event, destroy rainbow decorations

  1. I woke up an hour earlier this morning praying with the thought that Something good this way comes. Somethings happening that I can’t explain except that I believe that God is on the move and that he is not done with America yet. And for joey it is definitely Something wicked this way comes, with apologies to Ray Bradbury. I pray that it’s true and not just a good dream.

  2. Ridiculous statement they use to somehow justify their hatred of normal people:

    “obligated to provide a safe environment for all students to feel safe, seen and respected without retaliation.”

    Isn’t calling protesting students ‘homophobes’ retaliation? Is ignoring memorial day celebrations over gayday stuff respectful of the students who love what America used to stand for?

    No. It’s always their last statement that transfers their hate onto those who disagree with them.

    Anyway, enough stating of the obvious.

  3. They were resisting being FORCED to do something that wasn’t in alignment with who they are. The Left certainly doesn’t like doing things that aren’t in alignment with who they are, but even more they love forcing others to be like them.
    This is in an extremely leftist county too, nice to see the kids and their parents stand up to the authoritarians.

  4. Not all hope is lost.
    Congrats to the students who are “schooling” their teachers (propagandists)

    “And a little child shall lead them”

  5. …how about the school quit “celebrating” ANYTHING involving sex and sexuality and get back to doing math, reading, and writing?

    Go celebrate stuff at home, or use your freedom of assembly to celebrate it with like-minded people on your own time.

    Just leave the political indoctrination OUT, and the problem for the school goes away.


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