‘Massachusetts On November 8th Will be Redder Than Anyone Expects’ – IOTW Report

‘Massachusetts On November 8th Will be Redder Than Anyone Expects’

Massachusetts Sec. Of State Candidate Rayla Campbell: Massachusetts On November 8th Will be Redder Than Anyone Expects.


12 Comments on ‘Massachusetts On November 8th Will be Redder Than Anyone Expects’

  1. Not buying it. Massachusetts is commie to the core, cannot be repaired. It’s not the populace, it’s the MSM, education, all of government, the legal system, the unions, and Dominion. The citizens can see with their own eyes what the democrat-communist party has done to their state. But the system is so corrupt there’s not much the voters can do.

  2. while these stories are nice to hear, I’m afraid no matter how big the red sunami should be on November 8, there is nothing to stop the blue cheating. they stole a presidential election in 2020, and absolutely nothing happened to them. why in earth would we expect them to let this one or any election going forward be honest.
    I think we’re going to wake up on November 9th and find out that the Dems picked up 3 or 4 senate seats anded40 or 50 house seats.
    the media will declare it the greatest comeback ever, and proof that dimentia joe is the greatest president ever.
    the GOP will ring there hands, wink at each other and say, “well we have to try harder next time.”

  3. This is why you don’t answer survey questions, we don’t need to give the Democrats an idea of how many votes they need to manufacture to steal the election.
    Hopefully they will fall into a smug assurance that they have it in the bag.


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