Massachusetts: Police chiefs slam Elizabeth Warren for ‘reckless’ comments about Michael Brown – IOTW Report

Massachusetts: Police chiefs slam Elizabeth Warren for ‘reckless’ comments about Michael Brown

Trending Views: U.S. Senator, Elizabeth Warren, that is also running for a Democratic presidential nomination, Tweeted recently about police brutality and general injustice in the USA. On her Twitter, she wrote that “5 years ago Michael Brown was murdered by a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri.” Warren also tweeted that she “stands with activists and organizers who continue the fight for justice for Michael.”

She also wrote that people “must confront systemic racism and police violence head on.”

“This is about one issue: I don’t want to see another officer unnecessarily murdered. It’s that simple,” said Chief Frank G. Frederickson from Yarmouth, Massachusetts in his statement to Boston Herald. “This hurts, and every chief feels the same way,” he concluded.

He also added that “this is not about politics,” but about “standing up for our officers”. In April 2018, one of Frederickson officers was killed while trying to serve an arrest warrant. He was just 32 years old. 

Frederickson also challenged Warren to “to see what actually takes place,” and spend some time in a police department. read more

13 Comments on Massachusetts: Police chiefs slam Elizabeth Warren for ‘reckless’ comments about Michael Brown

  1. “Frederickson also challenged Warren to “to see what actually takes place,” and spend some time in a police department.” Should be required of every politician from city level on up.

  2. I self-deported from Massachusetts back in ’90 and used to feel bad for the people there. Notice I said “used to”. Warren is just Barney Frank on estrogen.

    I DO miss the Fried Clams and Lobster Rolls though.

  3. “This is about one issue: I don’t want to see another officer unnecessarily murdered. It’s that simple…”

    …There’s such a thing as a Police officer NECESSARILY murdered? This phrasing suggests that Chief Frank G. Frederickson has been around big-city liberal mayors too long, but otherwise spot- on…

  4. Anonymous
    AUGUST 16, 2019 AT 12:04 PM
    ‘“Frederickson also challenged Warren to “to see what actually takes place,” and spend some time in a police department.” Should be required of every politician from city level on up.’

    …and when they’re done with THAT, they should ride-along on a ambulance for a bit, see the joy that Democrat “leadership” brings to the innocent victims of liberal policies that favor the folks they met in the backs seats of the POLICE ride-along…

  5. Supernightshade, I suspect the statement had more to do with an admitted poor choice of words, more than anything subliminal, a necessary murder is a Non Sequitur.

    But the elephant in the room and ancillary to the discussion is the simple fact that The Ferguson Effect is not only real but grows by the day. Pandering politicians who demonize the police, spineless DA’s who don’t have the stomach to charge ANTIFA mobs, and a citizenry that over the years have substituted animus for respect for those paid to protect and serve, all have made the public less safe.

    At this point, sadly, it is a process of diminishing returns; the average cop sees no upside in proactive policing or going the extra mile; his job, his safety, and his well being are placed at greater risk. And this attitude not only short changes the community, but it erodes job satisfaction and retards meaningful poilice work.


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