Massive Crowd for Trump Rally in Pennsylvania Floors Even Democrats – IOTW Report

Massive Crowd for Trump Rally in Pennsylvania Floors Even Democrats

PJM: The Secret Service said that more than 57,000 people showed up for a rally for Trump at the Pittsburgh-Butler airport in Pennylvania. The local newspaper estimated the number at 10,000. It hardly matters. There were a lot of people there, as Democratic Lt. Governor John Fetterman tweeted out.

The President is popular in PA. I don’t care what polls say. With 700K ballots still out there, you need to BANK YOUR BALLOT. Use a Dropbox. Get them in.


24 Comments on Massive Crowd for Trump Rally in Pennsylvania Floors Even Democrats

  1. A Trump rally attendance that large is pretty sweet. A real Big-Boo! to the Harris-Biden campaign, and all Name(D-state) campaigns. There might be several of them doing the Jerry Nadler shuffle walk.

    If a rally that size doesn’t become a virus super spreader event. Which I don’t expect it will. There is no longer any valid excuse for limiting attendance at college football games. Or restricting a lot of other large gatherings of people.

  2. If you believe that government can stop a virus, then you are an idiot.
    If you believe governments are stripping away rights and monitoring our every move because they care, then you possess the logic of a slave who has fallen in love with its master. —–Candace Owens

  3. The media won’t say how many were at yesterday’s rallies.
    SeeBS in Miami actually has on their site that both presidential campaigns are keeping the momentum going and that hundreds of cars showed up for last night’s Miami rally for Trump.
    They’re losing their minds.

  4. Enthusiasm! Enthusiasm! Enthusiasm! Enthusiasm! Enthusiastic crowds! Enthusiastic crowds! Enthusiastic crowds! C’mon man! Doesn’t mean a thing.

    Covid! Covid! Covid! Covid! Covid! Covid! Covid! C’mon man! This means everything!

    Humper’s emails or his proud, honest father’s denials? Who are you going to believe? C’mon man!

    Just ask the MSDM. ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC and NPR can’t all be wrong. Can they? Who you going to believe? C’mon man!

    Former President Osmidgen and Former Vice President Obiden. Not a smidgen of corruption in eight years. Who you going to believe? C’mon man!

  5. Maybe we can turn PA around from it’s oppressive rule by Wolfie (masks, shutdowns, and killilling grandma in the Nursing home, oh my) the G, and the one issue (legalize drugs) Lt. Gov. (I used to wrestle) Chedderman.

    We’re gonna si the Amish and Mennonites on’em.

  6. Enthusiasm for a candidate doesn’t translate into a win by itself. It takes more than that to be the winner.

    Bernie Sanders fans were highly enthusiastic about him.

    Ron Paul fans were intensely enthusiastic about him.

    They both lost.

    So be prepared to deal with any situation that may arise, not just the one you hope for.

  7. Trump – 5 stops yesterday and apparently 5 more today.
    He has more energy than me and I’m only 50.

    Although he says the same thing at almost every rally, he makes it different enough, and in many cases very funny, that I still watched 3 of them. He was really funny when he was FREEZING in Minnesota and talking about Illegal Immigration.

    They were much more fun than Sunday Football.

  8. My 92 year old Democrat all-his-life (is FDR running?) father-in-law (who I have had shouting matches over politics with) just floored me.

    When I asked when I could pick him up to vote tomorrow he said “Oh well I guess I’ll finally tell you – I voted for Trump in 2016 and I guess I gotta help him win a second term. I didn’t want to let you know you’ve been right about this.”

    Maybe, just maybe there’s a glimmer of hope for tomorrow!

  9. Leftie pal: “You mean to tell me you believe there’s a conspiracy among all the major news outlets to criticize Trump every day?”

    Me: “Yup. If you can’t see it, you’re a co-conspirator.”

  10. Friday night Leftie Wife said I should vote early and not dangerously expose myself to virus at the polling place on Tuesday. A little late, I know. She knows I support Trump.

    I told her “screw it, I just won’t vote. It’s not worth getting sick.” I was being sarcastic.

    To my surprise, her immediate reaction was “You WILL vote. What the hell’s wrong with you? You’ve never talked like that before!”

    Wow, she’d been listening after all! With sweaty eyes, I hugged her and told her I love her. Despite her occasional hilarious anti-Trump echo rants, she’s not so bad.

    Two weeks ago, I took her to the county BOE in the rain where, in spite of gaping cancer surgery wounds on her leg, she walked in unassisted to drop off her Biden vote. It made her very happy, and I got a little emotional, telling her how proud I was of her to exercise her rights when she’s not doing so well.

    Politically, we’re diametrically opposed. Somehow it works. She’s a great woman. I don’t know how yet to console her Wednesday morning when President Trump retains his position. Maybe I’ll get her a treat after wound dressing change is complete.

  11. Joe Biden and Lady Gaga — In Pittsburgh this evening.
    Oh Boy! That ought to be good. If Joe shows up as scheduled.

    Just heard on the radio that Biden is scheduled to hold a rally this evening in western Pa. near Pittsburgh with Lady Gaga. I’m guessing she is invited to be there to get the rally attendance above 12.


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