Massive Discovery of Rare Earths in Wyoming Could Break America’s Crippling Dependence on China – IOTW Report

Massive Discovery of Rare Earths in Wyoming Could Break America’s Crippling Dependence on China

Already confirmed are minerals like neodymium, praseodymium, samarium, dysprosium and terbium.

31 Comments on Massive Discovery of Rare Earths in Wyoming Could Break America’s Crippling Dependence on China

  1. MN also has rare earth deposits… Banned from mining it though.

    Not surprising we’re not allowed to use our natural resources, even though we can do it much better and cleaner than anyone else. Not alowwing this directly supports slavery of anyone, including children.


  2. Birds of a feather, flock together.
    That’s why this administration does business with , Iran, Venezuela, Congo, and China.
    Also, if heavily invested in shipping, the farther away, = more money.
    If you own a railroad, you wouldn’t want a pipe line. Thank Buffet.

  3. Will we ever see the truth about, JFK, J6, Iraq, Epstein Island, Oklahoma City bombing, Mandalay Bay, School shootings, ……….
    Not so long as all those responsible, are still in charge.

  4. @ SoBeIt SATURDAY, 10 FEBRUARY 2024, 12:02 AT 12:02 PM

    You beat me to it. First thing that came to mind is: So what is the progressive/Marxist/Satanist movement going to come up with as an excuse to prevent innocent human beings from using this to improve their lives? I don’t know the details, but one thing for sure and for certain is they are busy thinking about that as their leadership simultaneously sets up their self enrichment schemes.

    There is no common ground to be had. It’s them or us and they must be completely defeated.

  5. “…in other news, the Biden Administration has designated a large tract of Wyoming as a Federal Climate Reserve to combat global warming and ensure a safe environment for all Americans. In keeping with his bold and necessary environmental protection, he has designated it as a “No Mining” zone and will be welcoming top climate scientists from China to catalog the wonders of this preserve from the air and ground. President Biden, from the staff and management of KCUC, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for being a top steward of the land!”

  6. The open pit mine will have a twenty mile radius, poison the ground water for a million citizens, require enough energy per year to run 400,000 homes or six bit coin miners, result in 20, 000 cancer deaths per year beginning in 2031, kill every living thing for 420 square miles not merely birds, build 230,000 EV batteries per year requiring at least 53 toxic waste sites that will never be built, cost taxpayers $8000 subsidy per car sold and require a moratorium on fossil fuel, resulting in 30,000 deaths per year from heat stroke and hypothermia. Then, things will get worse as the Trumpers are forced to be stationary without cars or internet so that Elite children can drive their evs to small towns as a Facebook mob and shoot Families for fun and recreation…the Left is insane, the mine is a place and source of death and psychopaths will rule if not stopped soon…ten million Switchblade drones fired by Homeland Security and the Illegal Alien Army will make a Civil War very unlikely.

  7. @ D SATURDAY, 10 FEBRUARY 2024, 14:55 AT 2:55 PM

    This civil war you refer to is an interesting concept among Seattle progressives. I sat in a cafe and listened in, what I heard left me shaking my head. They were all touting the contribution they were uniquely suited to make towards the war effort. Funny thing was, there was only one poor bastard who fancied himself a foot soldier in this army that they were discussing that was to be 90% made up of chiefs and medicine men.

    In other words, they were all uniquely suited to either lead the effort or advise. A goddamned round table of politicians and nobodies opinion was worth any more than anyone else’s.

  8. Wyoming’s most important rare earth mineral is call “Leadshootium”.

    We use it to Identify illegals and other traitors. Sometimes it’s used in conjunction with “Ropelongium”.

  9. People simply don’t understand. There is NO SHORTAGE of ‘rare earths’ in America. It’s quite plentiful. The problem is it is WIDELY dispersed and not found in discrete “veins” of ore like most minerals. The process of acquiring it is expensive and highly polluting. China doesn’t care about causing pollution. The EPA and greenie left won’t allow the necessary processes required to produce such rare earth minerals to take place in America. There is NO shortage of rare earths here. There is a shortage of willpower to mine and refine it.


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