Massive Elk Drills Vehicle – IOTW Report

Massive Elk Drills Vehicle

A massive elk wasn’t happy to see some Park Rangers.

11 Comments on Massive Elk Drills Vehicle

  1. My fantasy: Video of a green-haired, tattooed, pierced, PETArd on the ground gored and trampled, and with pulsating jets of bright red blood. Oh, well. Maybe next time.

  2. Ran across a couple of them dirt bike riding in the upper part of lower Michigan. They didn’t seem to bothered by us and we kept a good distance but one thing that gobsmacked me was their size.
    Wow! I’d have to buy another freezer.

  3. I once had to stop my work truck just S. of the small town of Tensed, Idaho on Hwy. 95 driving North for a large herd of more than a 100 elk cross the road heading East into the hills above the Idaho Palouse. Traffic was stopped in both directions until all the elk cleared the hwy. with a large bull elk being the last to cross watching all of the rest of the herd get across the road safely. That was quite a sight to see.


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