Massive President Trump Keep America Great Rally – Las Vegas, Nevada – IOTW Report

Massive President Trump Keep America Great Rally – Las Vegas, Nevada

Today President Trump delivers a rare mid-day Trump rally in Las Vegas, Nevada. Today’s Keep America Great rally is being held at the Las Vegas Convention Center.

Watch Here.

6 Comments on Massive President Trump Keep America Great Rally – Las Vegas, Nevada

  1. God bless DJT! We’re all imperfect. Trump’s like Popeye in that- I am who I am! A person who owns his own faults attempting to unite? One could argue pride is one of his faults, but is honesty pride? Freedom to be yourself IS THE best example DJT is setting.

    Flip that to the Dims, deep state and the lickspittle, what are they doing but dividing this group against that group? Who is afraid of the freedom of speech, who is the thought police? If your philosophy is a good one, you can allow it to be challenged, because you can honestly defend it. Shut up and let us force government control of your existence via taxes, welfare, healthcare and so on and so on. How much of your money do we need? All they can take, sadly big gov is not just the Democrats, there are many who feel they deserve to rule not represent.

    Love! Freedom of opportunity! Liberty and justice for all! Today is George Washington’s birthday! Cherry pie day in our house and the remembrance that government is like a grass fire! A useful servant if you watch it like a hawk and a huge danger if you turn your back, a fearful master. Our Nation’s Father said it much more eloquently, alas I am a crass modern! KAGA 2020

  2. I hope all those stats translate into votes. NY & CA are a lost cause. NV went blue because all of the Cali dems escaped, but continue to vote dem. Never underestimate the dems love of corruption. Iowa was just boot camp for them to rig the Presidential election.

  3. “Today is George Washington’s birthday! Cherry pie day in our house and the remembrance that government is like a grass fire! A useful servant if you watch it like a hawk and a huge danger if you turn your back, a fearful master.” -MildredLucille

    Nothing “crass” about that, MildredLucille! Happy GW day to you.


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